Hops bitterness can work in a beer with cigars but it has to be balanced by sweetness. When IBUs are declared and advertised it doesn't advertise the residual sweetness of the beer in relation the the IBUs. With that aside stouts of all walks go great with cigars. Aged barleywines also go very well. I have some 2 year old Troegs Flying Mouflan that's a nice malty beer now. It used to be very hoppy but not any longer. Dopplebock, most bocks for that matter, strong scotch ales and cask ales often go well. I think a combination of hop bitterness and high carbonation make for a bad beer cigar experience. Some beers can be of average bitterness but highly carbonated which has an effect I don't like when smoking.
Smoked beers are good companions to cigars too!
Smoked beers are good companions to cigars too!