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1st Box or maybe two

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Feb 1, 2008
I heard a certain site's sponser has some samplers and 5ers available.

"If you are in search of reliable and proven retailers, please look no further than our site sponsors"

-Eric - Habanos Forum Guideline
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Apr 24, 2007
Phoenix Arizona
Thats what I thought.
Don't forget, Josh, it's a violation of law for an American citizen to be in the same place as any Cuban product anywhere in the world.

Information concerning the civil penalty process is discussed in OFAC regulations
governing the various sanctions programs or, in the case of sanctions regulations
issued pursuant to the Trading with the Enemy Act, in 31 CFR part 501. Civil
penalty procedures are also discussed in OFAC’s proposed Enforcement Guidelines,
68 FR 4422 – 4429 (January 29, 2003). However, please note that, for banking
institutions regulated by one of the agencies belonging to the Federal Financial
Institutions Examination Council, the proposed enforcement guidelines have been
withdrawn and replaced by an interim final rule (“Economic Sanctions Procedures
for Banking Institutions”), 71 FR 1971 – 1976 (January 12, 2006), which has an
effective date of February 13, 2006. Both the proposed Enforcement Guidelines and
the interim final rule are available on OFAC’s website, available at​
OFAC is now posting on this website copies of its final agency Penalty Notices with
the relevant case reports to the extent permitted under applicable law.
OFAC has issued an interim final rule, “Economic Sanctions Enforcement
Guidelines,” as enforcement guidance for persons subject to the requirements of
U.S. sanctions statutes, Executive orders and regulations. The following items were
completed prior to the September 8, 2008 effective date of that interim final rule.
ENTITIES – 31 CFR 501.805(d)(1)(i)
Agoda Company, Pte Ltd. Settles Cuban Assets Control Regulations Allegations:

Agoda Company, Pte Ltd., Bangkok, Thailand (“Agoda”), which is owned or controlled
by persons subject to U.S. jurisdiction, has remitted $6,750.00 to settle allegations of 50
violations of the Cuban Assets Control Regulations occurring between March 2006 and
October 2007. OFAC alleged that Agoda provided travel-related services in which Cuba
or Cuban nationals had an interest by arranging hotel reservations in Cuba without an
OFAC license. Agoda has cooperated with OFAC’s investigation and has implemented
corrective measures and improvements to its OFAC compliance program. Agoda
voluntarily disclosed this matter to OFAC.​
Como Design, Inc. (“Como”), Settles Narcotics Trafficking Sanctions Allegations:​
Como has remitted $5,980.03 to settle allegations of violations of the Narcotics
Trafficking Sanctions Regulations occurring on or about December 2005. OFAC alleged
that Como acted without an OFAC license by receiving and depositing checks issued by
an OFAC Specially Designated Narcotics Trafficker. Como did not voluntarily disclose
this matter to OFAC.​
LI-COR, Inc. Settles Allegations of Violations of the Iranian Transactions
LI-COR, Inc. (“LI-COR”), of Lincoln, NE has remitted $2,315.02 to settle
allegations of violations of the Iranian Transactions Regulations. The alleged violations
occurred on or about November 7, 2005. OFAC alleged LI-COR attempted to send a
funds transfer to Gulf Biosystems Trading LLC’s Bank
Saderat account without an
OFAC license. LI-COR did not voluntarily disclose this matter to OFAC but has
instituted a comprehensive U.S. sanctions compliance program.

Tabletops Unlimited, Inc. Agrees to Settle Allegations of a Violation of the Iranian
Transactions Regulations:​
Tabletops Unlimited, Inc. (“Tabletops”), of Carson, CA has
remitted $1,000 to settle an allegation of a violation of the Iranian Transactions
Regulations. OFAC alleged that on or about October 11, 2005, Tabletops attempted to
send a funds transfer to the Bank Melli account of a company located in Tehran, Iran for
purposes of purchasing and importing Iranian-origin goods into the United States without
an OFAC license. Tabletops did not voluntarily disclose this matter to OFAC.

Ritz Camera Centers, Inc. Settles Burmese Sanctions Regulations Allegations:​
Camera Centers, Inc., Beltsville, MD 20705 (“Ritz Camera”), has remitted $500 to settle
allegations of violations of the Burmese Sanctions Regulations occurring in July 2006.
OFAC alleged that Ritz Camera attempted to send a USD 1,000 funds transfer to an
account holder at Myanmar Foreign Trade Bank. Ritz Camera did not voluntarily
disclose this matter to OFAC.

INDIVIDUALS – 31 CFR 501.805(d)(1)(ii)
One individual has agreed to a settlement totaling $6,056.50 for dealing in property
in which Cuba or a Cuban national had an interest:​
In October 2004, December
2004, February 2005, March 2005, May 2005, June 2005, July 2005, September 2005,
October 2005, November 2005, December 2005, January 2006, March 2006, April 2006,
May 2006 and June 2006, the individual purchased Cuban-origin cigars offered for sale
on the Internet. The individual did not voluntary disclose this matter to OFAC.

One individual has agreed to a settlement totaling $500.00 for allegedly dealing in
property in which Cuba or a Cuban national had an interest:​
In January 2005 and
April 2005, the individual allegedly purchased Cuban-origin cigars offered for sale on the
Internet. The individual did not voluntarily disclose this matter to OFAC.

For more information regarding OFAC regulations, please go to:​



BoM Oct 08 / BoM Oct 09
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575   0   0
Jan 2, 2008
Just thinking about where to purchase when I leave the country on my trip to Niagara Falls.
If you were to go to Canada, I suggest Casa de le Habanos. But what do I know. Just make sure you understand the LAW on habanos.


BoM Decembre '08
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29   0   0
Aug 12, 2008
Mexico City
If only it wasn't unlawful for ye, I'd suggest the Robusto or Pyramid samplers of 5 CCs each...


BoM april 09
Rating - 100%
166   0   0
Nov 11, 2008
Wouldn't you like to know?
I will warn you though that Canada has some of the most repressive tobacco taxes in the world rivaled only by the UK. Whatever prices you have seen on the net expect to triple it. Ontario's taxes don't have a cap so you can see as high as $90 cigars. Here in Alberta though we are capped at $10 a stick on the wholesale cost which means A's max out under $70