This hits home for me.. I know a few people that grew up there and know quite a few students, as i said everybody is alright..
Secondly having just graduated you think back and realize how truly defense-less you are. This happening at a college campus is not shocking..
Where were the cops.. the better question is who were they supposed to look for? you have 12000 - 25000 kids on campus there is no way to know who you are looking for.. People are complaining that all the school did was to send an email, but that is the only way for a school to get in contact with everybody that is enrolled or goes to school there, everybody has a account and that is the only way.
I know that at Georgia State we did not have an intercom system, I do not know of any schools that do.. and where would the kids have gone if the news of a lock down was put out too early, you would rather isolate kids in rooms than out in the courtyard and wondering around campus.. that is a large campus and for all the administrators knew the gunman could have been hanging out in the courtyard waiting for people...
I dont know it is a hard situation no matter how you look at it.. Very sad and it makes you think...
The families and the students are in my prayers...