1) What other cigar boards are you signed up on? - Cigar Weekly, Vintage Cigar Club, Friends of Habanos, Cigar Wise, Cigar Pass, Cigar Chat, Cigarsmokers, Club Stogie, Cigar Syndicate, Cigar Family, Cigar Afficianado, I think that's it. :crosseyed I went nuts when I found my first board...I had to learn!
2) Why the other boards? When I really got into cigars in 2002 I signed up at every board I could find to try and get as much information as possible. Over time I have let most of them fade into an after thought when perusing the boards.
3) When did you sign up on them? The first board I found was Ca. That same day I signed up on Cigar Family. About a week later I found Cigar Weekly.
4) Where do you most actively post? I post at BOTL, VCC and Cigar Family and Cigar weekly.
With thanks to Wasch24 as I edited his post to fit my story. Hell it would have taken me all day to make a post that long:thumbsup: