This kind of sets up my list, both myself and my wife have responsible parents that have very small or no debt, along with us. Here is my bucket list.
Call two very prominent business owners in the area that I know, one small and one large would be my first call to help with the proper attorney and financial consultants.
Pay off any unseen debt with the parents.
Order that Opus cigar in a bottle.
Pay rent to my landlord for the rest of the year, I do not rent from a company, rather a couple that has a house for rent, so that would help them and also give me some time, I would also put new carpet in, as the dog kinda chewed a place we placed a couch over, along with central air. Perhaps healthy lottery winnings would convince them to sell the place to me, as I really love where I live right now.
Purchase myself a brand new truck, purchase the wife a brand new vehicle, her choice, get my mom a restored version of that 1966 Mustang she dreamed of when she was young and buying her first new car.
Wife and I are beginning our shopping anyway for our first home purchase, casually shop for our dream house. Land and a garage are my dreams without the lottery win, so it would not be a mansion next to a mansion either way, perhaps build a log cabin in the woods.
Consult the management of my company, which is a grey area, I am part of that, so we talk all of the time anyway. I would request a three month leave of absence to set up my vacation, I would still work regardless of the winnings. Hit the major world cities, and plan an expenses paid herf for a few of the great members of
Healthy donations to the churches I enjoy attending, and a few charity and civic organizations I support currently.
Aside from that, retire to my new home, work a standard week, and take comfort in not having to worry about anything. For all of those that come out of the wordwork, no handouts, anyone that I have had help me over the years would get proper help, those who did nothing for me would get nothing, I would trust my new legal team to that.