Well there is a SMALL silver lining. I ordered a wine cooler as Steve well knows about a week ago. It came in last night after I found out about Jen. I'm glad I ordered it, because if I wouldn't have bought it that would have been 200 more dollars she would have taken out of the acct. Basically, if you look at it that way, the cooler is free. As far as legalaties go, she was a joint signer. There is nothin I can do. But I will say I only get burned once....and once only. This will damn sure be the last time anything like this happens to me. No more joint signers for me.
As far as my living situation. I'm going to stay one more month in the apartment. My family borrowed me some money to pay rent for a month because my acct is like a few hundred dollars in the hold because of overdraft fees. She not only took out money, but also used the check card for some purchases. Sweet.
So after the month I'll probably move in with my folks...or the better option may be to move back in with my close friends in their house for a few hundo a month. That's where I was living when I first met Jen. Good to get back to my roots and live with my friends.
Unfortunately, there is no real moral to the story. Without trust you have nothing, and I trusted her. You can get burned 8 months in like me or 10 years down the road. Ya just gotta roll the dice. At least, like a few guys said, it was now and not later. She could of took my laptop, my plasma or my car. It could be worse. Never again!
Thanks for all the support guys. I truly appreciate it.