probably order an ekg, stress test for function and a 2d-echo to view all valves. Bet in the ER, they drew blood 3X and EKG 3x.yea that came out of nowhere... and he said that i will have to go see a specialist because it did not show up on both EKG's just one.. which might be linked to the large amounts of benedryl in my system at the tiem
Oh dude, you have to OWN his place...that guy is a douche bag, even if he is banging Demi MooreThanks guys... I will def. get back with the restaurant but I have to wait and make sure that it was a pine nut that did it to me...
if it was then i am owning em... ashton kutcher may just lose a damn restaurant...
but i appreciate all of the well wishes and prayers... I am at work today roid rage and all..