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A new low for Lost & Found?


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Jul 20, 2014
Gahanna, OH
We've talked extensively about this company and their rebranded (probably old Camacho) cigars. This isn't about that though. Their gimmicky packaging and suggestive names have been what gets them over and I get that, but I saw something today that I feel has finally pushed them over the line.
Here's the packaging for their forthcoming International Date Line cigars with pictograms for the name:

Really? Chopping up a pile of cocaine to depict line? I personally find this distasteful, but maybe it's just me.
I was trying to figure out what clouds had to do with razors. Glad you cleared that up.
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Oct 5, 2010
Warren, MI
Personally, I love almost everything about this brand. In fact, the more people that hate on it, the more I love it. Its cool, edgy, and makes people angry. 3 check boxes that I love to see filled. Some people on the internet (sometimes the very folks on this very site) love to act indignantly and vexed, and many folks act as though its somehow contemptuous for this brand to even exist, like the idea of repackaging cigars is an affront to the industry in general. Repackaging a shitty product for more money has existed for a very, very long time and wont be going away anytime soon. Once upon a time, Toyotas had leather seats thrown in them with some new fascias and a little extra technology and were magically transformed into expensive Lexus' (Lexi?) The otherwise fine Tahoe had a Cadillac badge thrown on it and by some act of sorcery became an Escalade that had a much higher price to go with it.
I personally love the fact that theres nothing PC about the brand. The names and images make me laugh and Ive gotten a kick out of some of them. Getting offended over something like this is laughable to me, but apparently some folks' opinions differ. Names like Skinsuit are classic and I love the reference and the things it brings to the forefront of my mind [Would you fuck me? I'd fuck me. (While Goodbye Horses plays in the background.)] And please, no arguments like "What am I supposed to say to my kids if they see Peruvain Bam Bam on the label?" (feel free to substitute booger sugar for gay marriage, nudity on TV or any other potentially awkward conversational topic to deal with) Well the way I see it, you have 2 choices:
1. Lie to them. Its appealing for its ease. Tell em its clouds or some shit, throw a tablet in front of their face and watch as their eyes gloss over from an overabudance of stimuli placed 3 inches from their face whilst they instantly forget. OR
2. Heres a novel idea: take the time to explain something to your kids. God forbid we have an awkward conversation with these little bastards right?
Unfortunately, theres only one thing this brand doesn't have, and thats cigars with good flavor. Ive tried 3 cigars from different blends and while thats not a huge sample size, I felt as though I got a good feel for the brand. The results were as follows: 2 were horseshit and 1 was merely forgettable. Based on those results I decided not to partake in anymore Lost and Found releases. I choose not to smoke them because they just aren't very good and at the end of the day I smoke cigars and not packaging. And if you dont like the cigars either, thats fine. Feel free to voice your displeasure over how shitty you believe the product to be or how overpriced you feel they are, after all, this is a cigar forum.


Derek | BoM June 2014
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Mar 28, 2012
And please, no arguments like "What am I supposed to say to my kids if they see Peruvain Bam Bam on the label?" ... Heres a novel idea: take the time to explain something to your kids. God forbid we have an awkward conversation with these little bastards right?
This is getting a little off-topic, because it's unlikely a child is going to come across Caldwell packaging unless a parent exposes them, but the argument you're making above is made by all kinds of people defending all kinds of adult-oriented material that is visible by little kids in all sorts of settings so I feel obligated to respond.

There's a time and place to explain things to little kids, and they should be age and maturity-level appropriate. You're absolutely right, parents should take time to have conversations with their children... and most of us do, on a near constant basis (if you've ever had a five year old, you know you are explaining anything and everything all the time). But that doesn't mean it should be acceptable to have adult content shoved in their face before they're of an age and maturity level to handle it.

Parents don't prevent a child from being exposed to adult related material because they don't want to talk about it, they prevent exposure to adult related material because it's the right thing for any decent parent to do.