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BoM June 13
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May 28, 2010
San Diego, Ca
Awesome share, Matt. Sometimes, looking down on the planet is a great way to step outside your problems and get some perspective. There are 7 billion people running around on that rock. Seems huge right? Kinda makes you feel like a small part of something huge, and maybe that fight with your loved one, or that missed deadline at work, wasn't so important after all...

But then trip out on this...

If you really wanna get your mind blown, take this to the next step. After wrapping your head around that perspective you get from seeing the earth from the "god view" think about this:

That planet of ours is the third of 8 in the solar system. Our sun is one of about 200 billion in our galaxy. Our galaxy is 1 of about 500 Billion other galaxies...

Maybe all the bickering between nations isn't such a big deal? Maybe we humans think we are too big to fail, when maybe it is more like we are too small to succeed?
Science actually agrees with religion in a lot of respects and all one has to do is lay down on a blanket outside the city...look straight up and see things that we take for granted every day. The notion that things just happened with so much order...so much intelligence behind it will make you think outside yourself. I love science and listening/watching how the Universe works...it's a design that just makes me full of wonder and excitement like a child looking at something for the first time. I'd sure hate it to think that all of this beauty came about with no grand design....how empty would our thoughts and lives be knowing that we are born and then die with nothing of value ....like a lightening bug here for a second and gone forever...there is no Grand Design behind that kind of thinking...just a vapor that appears and gone.
Hooooolooleeeeeee Sheeeeeiiite!

Let it be known, that on this day, February 27th, Cigary and I were the closest we've been in thinking since our introductions to this board.
Ha Ha Ha....do you believe in miracles? ( Al Michaels )
Yes. Yes, I do.

It so funny, because I know we come from almost polar opposites on most things political, and then "blamo!" We are practically in each others lap here.