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Annoying B&M owner

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Oct 19, 2013
Phoenix, AZ
Wanted to vent and see if anyone has encountered this before.

The first B&M I started at, the guy will not allow you to go in the humidor by yourself.

Its under the disguise of he's there to help. Thing is, when you ask questions, he can't really help.

This makes it seem more like he's standing in there to make sure you don't steal anything or especially touch anything. He freaks out if you touch something.

I will ask him a question about something that I know half the answer to, for example, "These guys just released 'so-and-so'...do you know if and when you will get those in?"

I know the cigar has been released, I'm trying to figure out if he's going to get them...he will laugh at me "nooo sir, they don't make that cigar, ha ha haaa, only this one"...so I promptly pull my phone out and show him the cigar and say "again, I'm just asking if you are getting any"

He has had this shop since the 90s, he's got certain cigars that I can't get anywhere else locally....but I find myself avoiding it at all costs, because sometimes I want to browse and not have someone standing over my shoulder.

He literally will stand there and sigh and fidget and put off the very strong vibe that I'm taking too long.

I want to tell him "if you are so annoyed, go back in the store and let me look, the entire wall of the walk-in is made of glass, you can still see me from out there"

I'm on the verge of saying something to him but don't want to burn any bridges.

I have plenty of B&Ms where I go in the humi by myself and spend 15 minutes in there and nobody bothers me.

Sorry, thanks for letting me vent, but any advice on how to approach this situation is appreciated in advance.
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Jun 3, 2013
If it bothers you enough say something, if not, don't. Are you scared of his reaction? Do you think he will bar you from his shop?


Derek | BoM June 2014
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Mar 28, 2012
It all depends on whether its worth it. If he has stuff you want that you can't get anywhere else, and it's worth it, then just put up with it. If it's not worth it, tell him politely why you're never coming back, and never go back.
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May 26, 2013
Elizabeth City, NC USA
This happened to me last year. Before we moved back to my home town we lived about 2 hrs away in a college town. There is only one B&M in the area and the owner, while seemingly a nice old man, was a pain. He wouldn't follow me in but I could tell that he didn't want my kind in his shop. I'm young and tattooed and obviously I'm a moron when it comes to anything other than a black and mild....yea....whenever I'd ask him about certain releases and whether he was going to get them his answer was a flat no. He had pretty decent selection and I realize some owners don't want to get involved in the super HTF but come on! When I finally asked why all he said was " I buy what sells" bullshit btw bc he had shit tons of Gurkhas that never moved. He profiled me as your typical college kid(which I wasn't) that would not be a return costumer despite my somewhat recent visits. He turned me into a non returning customer by his attitude.
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Jan 21, 2014
west des moines,iowa
Wow I totally relate one of my locals employees stand in there and try to look like they're doing something but in reality they are watching you like a hawk.i am 30 and inked also
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Oct 19, 2013
Phoenix, AZ
It mainly comes down to he has a good line on cigars I like that not many people have, and he doesn't have them on the shelf, he offers them to the customers he considers to be good customers.

If I want to go there strictly for those, its no big deal, I go in, ask for them, ring up and leave.

Sometimes I don't want those "behind the counter" cigars...sometimes I want to go in there and browse for other things.

It was the first B&M I went to when I started smoking. I assumed maybe this was normal behavior, until I started going to other shops.

I like his shop and want to continue going...the other day I went in for the first time in a while...

He greeted me with "Heeeey! What happened!? Where have you been?"

it was on the tip of my tongue, I allllmost said "honestly, I don't come here much anymore because you follow me around everywhere I go and make loud sighing noises like I'm taking too long"...

...but I didn't.

IDK, I've heard of shops having someone go in the humi with you for help, but didn't know how common it may be.
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Jun 13, 2009
Central Coast, CA
Remember it is his shop and he can run it anyway he wishes. Best advise is to be polite and let him know you don't appreciate being hounded over. If he takes offence then leave and don't go back there. What it sounds like is your not kind of customer he wants so doing everything he can to rush you out
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Sep 29, 2010
Charlotte, N.C.
I used to go to a local B&M chain that the 2 stores I went to did the same thing. If you went into the humidor, someone was with you. It was annoying but they just asked if you needed help and then looked "busy" till you went out. When I've been working at D&K lately I usually ask if they know what they want while they are walking to the humi. If they say yes, I leave them alone. Some have said they are new and needed advice.

If the person was like the one you're dealing with I probably wouldn't go back.


BoM May '14
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Apr 13, 2012
San Diego
It all depends on whether its worth it. If he has stuff you want that you can't get anywhere else, and it's worth it, then just put up with it. If it's not worth it, tell him politely why you're never coming back, and never go back.
I agree with this 100%. Don't waste your time there if it's not worth it to you. Visit those other locals you mentioned and give them your business, they would appreciate it more I'm sure.


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Nov 10, 2006
West Hills, CA
I totally get your stance here...You just don't want to make waves and possibly mess up a good source of cigars that may not be available so easily elsewhere.
Based on your last visit, sounds like he does value you as a customr, so that's good. Just see where it goes...Maybe he needs more time to establish trust, even though that's frustrating for you. Maybe he had a real problem with shoplifters in the past, and just can't help but be uber cautious.
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Apr 30, 2013
Greensboro, NC
Remember it is his shop and he can run it anyway he wishes. Best advise is to be polite and let him know you don't appreciate being hounded over. If he takes offence then leave and don't go back there. What it sounds like is your not kind of customer he wants so doing everything he can to rush you out
Absolutely agree. It's his shop, so he can run it how feels is best for him. B&M owners have to be concerned with theft as the profit margin on their entire store isn't necessarily high due to costs of running a place. He's looking out for his investment, which he is entitled to. One of the stores I used to go to found that one of their regular customers was regularly stealing a cigar here and there. In business, it's necessary to monitor your product. I understand you being offended and harrassed, but also try to understand where is coming from.


Derek | BoM June 2014
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Mar 28, 2012
Here's another thought... he obviously knows you and values your business. Perhaps he things that good customer service requires him to be in the walk-in with you in case you have questions or needs? Maybe he hates standing around while customers are in the walk-in, but feels it's what's necessary to fulfill customer expectations of service?


BoM 10/12, 9/13, & 8/14
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Jan 8, 2012
Northeast Tennessee
I'd be much more concerned about making customers happy than following them around, being annoying, and making them feel paranoid. The beauty of a B&M with a walk-in is that you have freedom to browse, touch, take your time, etc. I'm willing to pay extra for this, and good service. Take that away and I'm heading to the internets where things are cheaper and someone has those htf you're going to his shop to purchase. Besides, you're a botl member, someone on here knows where to get them. I'd tell him this for his own good.


Drew Estate NotRex
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Nov 16, 2011
Fort Wayne, IN
I know a place that is like this. It really doesn't bother me because they have a lot of problems with theft. If they want to stand there for 15 minutes I let them. I think it's the policy of the store owner which I can kinda understand because I do know for a fact that people steal from him. The only time I get watched is in the humidor. I don't really see it as a problem because he knows I won't steal but he has to do it to be firm on the store policy. It's sad but they really have no choice. I would say try to just accept it and try to not take it the wrong way. Humidors are a very easy place to steal from when someone isn't looking. I know that even when he is in there he has had people steal while they asked him questions and he glanced in a different direction for a moment. People can be dicks and they ruin it for the rest of us....


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Oct 27, 2013
Knoxville, TN and Panama City Beach, FL
Just hit him in the throat and tie him down. Once he's secure, begin to load your vehicle with all of his sticks. Make sure you leave a thank you note for his generosity.

Edit: but I don't get why some of these shops don't just get cameras? Every shop I've ever been in has cameras.
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Oct 19, 2013
Phoenix, AZ
Thanks guys. I do have a good relationship with him, and I do know he does this with everyone.

I go in there sometimes for a smoke and hang out and shoot the breeze with him.

I just am struggling with a way to remain polite, show him that I am not faulting him for standing in there, but somehow get the message through to him that because of this practice he chooses to do, I literally have spent money at other shops because I don't feel like dealing with it for that day.

I need a polite way to tell him there are many dollars I have not spent at his shop in the anticipation of knowing I would be rushed, so I went somewhere else.

If he is unwilling to change it, and I continue to shop there, it seems like it would then be awkward after that from then on.
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Aug 28, 2013
Atlanta, GA
This has happened to me at just about every B&M I have visited except perhaps Total Wine where they could care less about their cigars. Something I've gotten used to and don't let it bother me.
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Dec 30, 2007
Harrisburg, PA
Thanks guys. I do have a good relationship with him, and I do know he does this with everyone.

I go in there sometimes for a smoke and hang out and shoot the breeze with him.

I just am struggling with a way to remain polite, show him that I am not faulting him for standing in there, but somehow get the message through to him that because of this practice he chooses to do, I literally have spent money at other shops because I don't feel like dealing with it for that day.

I need a polite way to tell him there are many dollars I have not spent at his shop in the anticipation of knowing I would be rushed, so I went somewhere else.

If he is unwilling to change it, and I continue to shop there, it seems like it would then be awkward after that from then on.
So what you're saying is that is like a chick that could use some work on her BJs. You want them to be better but you don't want her to get pissed and stop altogether. After all a mediocre BJ is better than no BJ!