Thought I'd catch you guys up on my built-in project for my living room. I'm building some cabinets and bookshelves to put along one of the walls. I have made some headway, but slowly. Time is at a premium, but I'm taking my time and doing it right. I have the cabinet carcasses assembled. They are build from birch veneer 3/4 plywood. I have started gluing up the drawers tonight. Next up, I'll spray them with lacquer and start working on the fronts.
I don't have an out feed table for my table saw, so I rely on the skill saw to make large cuts, especially on short edges with a long overhang. It took me a long time to accept the skill saw can be used to make precision cuts with a decent fence.
Built a sled for my table saw. Should have done this years ago. This came in handy for cutting the cabinet drawer pieces and will also be handy for working on the fronts.
I decided to use a mitre locking bit to build these drawers. I have a dovetail jig...not interesting in using that unless I really want to show off or want to make a "period piece". Bought the router table for this project. Again, why didn't I buy one of these years ago? I used poplar and it seems to have worked well.
Here's one of the drawers dry fitted before I cut the dados for the bottom. Not too bad for the first time with the mitre locking bit. Using one of the carcasses as a work bench.
Here's one of the carcasses. I built three of them and they are identical. 4'-3" wide, each divided in half.