Deer? Turkey? Long Island? Where you at on LI CVAC?Haven't seen ANY on Long Island yet....deer been slowly showing up. It's been a rough winter all around here.
Deer? Turkey? Long Island? Where you at on LI CVAC?Haven't seen ANY on Long Island yet....deer been slowly showing up. It's been a rough winter all around here.
Deer, turkey, rabbit, red fox, ducks, geese, pheasant, etc.Deer? Turkey? Long Island? Where you at on LI CVAC?
Oh myDeer, turkey, rabbit, red fox, ducks, geese, pheasant, etc.
Suffolk county. But you have to go east for pretty much all of the game. Talking LIE east to the end. We can only bow hunt here, but January is late season shotgun/muzzleloader for deer. But can only hunt monday-friday. I think the laws changed this past year for it though.Deer? Turkey? Long Island? Where you at on LI CVAC?
Yea, its even better in the winter when everything is on clearance. This warmer weather really has them moving. Watched 2 strutters the other day on land I can hunt. The one bird is a tom that I've been chasing for 5
What are you currently using?Note to self: You get what you pay for in optics... this spotting scope pretty much blows.
I'd have to go back and check, maybe Simmons? Whatever it is it was like $40 at a Cabella's Black Friday deal a couple years back.What are you currently using?
I don't think its that terrible considering you are taking a picture with your phone through the scope.. Great bird. What state are you hunting?I'd have to go back and check, maybe Simmons? Whatever it is it was like $40 at a Cabella's Black Friday deal a couple years back.
This was me holding my phone up to it.
Congrats to your buddy.. That's a dandy of a longbeard.I'm stuck at work but my buddy got this one this morning
Small double beard