I'm 32 and my wife is 28 and our myspace page is used to keep track of upcoming events as we have several friends who are in bands,or for local bands we follow. We also use it to keep in touch with friends back east.
Some people use it to hook up with people. A guy in my office only dates girls he meets on myspace. He lays out his intentions online and if they agree....BoooYa
Of course it is also a way to find dirt on pretty much any young person you want. Never hire a new employee with searching Google, myspace, and facebook. You would be surprised at the front some people have. I was about to pull the trigger to hire a lady, probably 45 years old. There was a MYspace page someone had set up in her name, unbeknownst to her, that laid out her recent criminal past. Agravated assault, kidnapping, armed buglary. We then researched her criminal record, which had not made it into our background check. I guess she broke into her ex-husbands house, tied him up at gun point and took her daughter. My assumption is her ex-husband set up that page for her/us. I'm not sure where she works now, but thanks to myspace she does not work with us.