It's my one of my personal favorites. I was really into it.
I wanted the woman flaming in red, you know? Like, really feel it, but the damn teacher doesn't even have the decency of having good quality colors.
Wow - that's quite a change in tone. The statement starts with a certain joy and deteriorates into a rather shocking negative comment about the person who has helped you in you work.
So the "problem" with the work not living up to your artistic standards is that, "the damn teacher doesn't even have the decency of having good quality colors."
Do you have any responsibility in your own work - would it be possible to purchase your own "high-quality colors" - any success in your work is all yours, but any shortcomings are the teacher's fault. Seems a bit Narcissistic, doesn't it.
So the person who has been empowering you in your artistic growth does not possess the decency to provide you the learner with materials you consider adequate - does this teacher know that you hold him/her in such low esteem. Is there some retribution you feel you need to exact on this careless teacher?
Back in the day students provided their own materials - so there was no one to blame for such choices - we as artists were held responsible for our own work - seems a better way.
Amazing you produced what you consider to be adequate student work under the tutelage of such an incompetent - perhaps even impostor of an instructor of the arts. We all have our crosses to bear - let's hope that an art teacher lacking decency is the only one that presents itself in a budding career. :cbig: