pm me big guyWhat's your address
The vitamin D taller people receive being closer to the sun makes them more amicable and approachable.Why is it acceptable to ask tall people to get something off the top shelf for you, but not OK to ask short people to pick up things that you drop?
Greece invented it not sure they called it an attack from the rear in their timeIf Iraq attacked Turkey from the rear, do you think Greece would help?...
At that age is he is a fully matured and elder wood chuck with his prime far Gone. Said wood chuck most likely chucks 1/4 of a trees worth of woodExactly how much wood could a Woodchuck chuck if a Woodchuck could chuck would?
P.S. he is 9.5 years of age and weighs in at 5kg.
3.4 seconds if it is an agile monkeyIf a hen-and-a-half could lay an egg-and-a-half in a day-and-a-half, how long would it take a monkey with a wooden leg to kick all the seeds out of a dill pickle?
There would be no hypothetical answersWhat if there were no hypothetical situations?
that is an old debate. A hot dog sir is its own unique classification. Due to the bun being called a hot dog bun and not a slice of a loaf of bread. The contents ie the actual hot dog and the various condiments used is also unique to this form of food.Is a hot dog considered a sandwich?