ForeverDrive myself nuts figuring out what to do first.
How far east can you go before you're heading west?
In times when bread was sold by weight, bakers who short-weighted their customers were heavily fined, and for safety's sake they would sell thirteen loaves for the price of twelve.answer question
why is 13 a bakers dozen?
HAM sandwichWet ribs.
Whats for lunch?
Because you want to be tired in the morning.emotionaly dominated
why am i still awake?
It makes you feel good about eating junk!Because you want to be tired in the morning.
Why do 100 calorie packs contain half as much but cost more that just buying the regular item?
Ew, none... Bud Light sucks!It makes you feel good about eating junk!
Bud Light or Bud Light Lime?
That's how they make their money!Kurt Vonnegut
Why can a bank take my money out immediately for a check I write but they put a 5 day hold on a check I deposit?
Nothing too crazy for me, a God of Fire that I spent $28.00 on.what is the most you spent on a single cigar? what was it?