The sun and I are homeboys.Nah bro, like those hats that people buy and bend the bill on.. To get more sun exposure I guess ... Worse like that.
The sun and I are homeboys.Nah bro, like those hats that people buy and bend the bill on.. To get more sun exposure I guess ... Worse like that.
Well said, be grateful for what you haveI'd lay off contacting the owner. I look at it this way... It's all abut the setup...
If this was a "puff stop / tobacco outlet " type of store, then a hired-help clerk is what I would expect. Any knowledgeable comments about my purchase to add at all ? .. a small plus.
" I had one of those they were pretty good " ... " those were a little too strong for me " etc.
But if your shop has a pool table, lounge, etc, where like minded individuals are encouraged to congregate, then you need personnel that is qualified to assist.
But if not, that's that. You can't change the world. Just know what you want before you walk in, pick it up, pay for it, and go..
It's the "and go" part that is the problem for the aforementioned proprietors' model.
You buy injector cleaner at an AutoZone, the guy should know if it helps clear up rough idle, if you ask him. He may also suggest some MAF sensor spray, and explain why.
If you buy injector cleaner in the automotive isle at a supermarket, don't ask the cashier up front if it will help with misfires. He may respond by telling you that his girlfriend had a misfire, once.
So yeah. It's costing him business. But I wouldn't go any further with it.
And get him/her to join here at BOTL too!!!If it bothered me then I'd definitely contact the owner. It's important for business owners to get customer feedback. Especially in terms of customer service. No need to be nasty about it but letting the owner know gives him an opportunity to do something about it. Additional training, etc. It's great to hear that you were able to lend some knowledge. I'm sure the guy appreciates it.
You're right not every B&M is able to hire an experienced tobacconist there could be financial limits for the store owner depending on how the market is doing at a certain time or at a certain area. Not every B&M is able to cater to every customer there will always be someone who has something negative to say about every single thing.Owner's fault for not educating his staff or requiring them to know what they are selling--must have hired an employee that would be willing to take the lowest pay.
This is the happy ending that affects all cigar we do nothing and let yet another B&M go out of business or do we affect change and give a fellow cigar brother ( esp. an Owner ) some feedback? I ran a business and when I got some feedback that directly affected my bottom line then I listened...I took the advice and if it was good enough I implemented it. To sit on our hands and do nothing because it's more PC to do so.....ends up hurting all of us to a degree. If an Owner/Manager can't take constructive criticism for the good of their business.....why are they in it if not to make a living? JMHOGuys, thank you so much for your feedback, I really appreciate the varied opinions here. So allow me to share as Paul Harvey would say. "the rest of the story". So I called up the owner who, with his brother, happens to own four other shops in and share my experience with him and in doing so recalled to him that this was his original shop and a lot of good times were had there. He noted that when the local economy began to tank their focus shifted to the other shops as they were more lucrative. He noted that he lost his store manager to another B&M in the area and one of the other regulars who used to work there part-time could no longer support him. So while focusing on the other shops, he left the hiring to another one of his relatives who, like him, came from the retail clothing industry and who is also not a true tobacco aficionado. The unfortunate thing is that the kid does not smoke cigars.
All that said, the owner thanked me for my concern, shared with me that he will bring someone in from one of the other stores to help train this kid while at the same time he looks for someone with experience and a passion to run this location. I wished him well and I asked if the kid was interested in smoking and he called the kid to find out and the kid said yes. I shared with him that since I am in the area a couple of times a month that I'd make it a point of stopping in on during MNF or TNF and I would help coach this young man as I love the hobby, the community in which I live and love having an B&M in the area and would hate to see it go to pot (forgive the pun).
Anyhoo, if you are ever in the area and want to meet for a smoke then hit me up and we have a place to meet.