Congrats to you and your family! Yes it can make December a busy month. We also have 2 daughters, the oldest 15 was born on December 31st (made my tax deduction with 3 1/2 hours to spare lol). Christmas then birthday makes it busy enough for us. All three in one month :crosseyed.Well my wifefinally gave birth to our 2nd daughter tuesday!!!! Marisol (something) Lastra. I may as well pull all my hair out now......
We are very excited however, our first daughter turns 2 Sunday.....busy December!!
with a touch of awesome...Congrats! I have 3 girls, they are a handful, get ready, the next 18 years will be hell :togetherl :angerhead :scratchhe
my addy: 85 linwood ter, clifton, nj!!!!!!!I have the 2 chickies and they are 14 & 15.
All I can say is DRUGS.
Mine we're a little yellow when they were born. They were a little purple before that (watching the birth). Wouldn't have missed it for the world. But I can do without the "camelion effect" (sp.?). All will be addy: 85 linwood ter, clifton, nj!!!!!!!
thnx guys, wife still in hospital, hopefully coming home tomorrow. baby girl has a bit of jaundice(yellow skin) so hopefully all goes well tonight and I get to get them tomorrow!!!!
Mine we're a little yellow when they were born. They were a little purple before that (watching the birth). Wouldn't have missed it for the world. But I can do without the "camelion effect" (sp.?). All will be well.
Congrats and have fun with that.
Beware the Grandparent. It has ways of turning your own flesh against you.:hysterica:hysterica.
God Bless and Merry Christmas to your entire Family.