Thanks for the kind words everybody. Keep the votes coming, we're going to pick a name probably in the next hour or so
As far as what to light up: My wife bought me a Davidoff Double 'R' when she first found out she was pregnant just for this occasion. I'll probably follow it up with either the J. Fuego in the tubo or one of the T110's Marvin gifted me in Hawaii (Thanks Marvin!).
Congratulations brother! I voted for Anna Rose. I might be biased though because that is my best friend's name. Either way, I like it. And you have a beautiful daughter!
The majority of you guys voted for Alyssa Rose, and that's what we named our baby girl! Everyone will be going home from the hospital today. Thanks for all those who participated in the poll.
I will stay out of this as when me and my ex-wife briefly talked about having children I told her if it was a boy I wanted to name him Gaylord Guy Neumann...or Gay Guy for short. She did not like that idea!