Due to my numerous food intolerances, I have to be very, very careful of anything I eat. Most of the turkeys out there are injected with broth which contains gluten and other allergens. We where thrilled to find fresh Butterball turkeys at our local Costco, that where pure turkey, with no injected broth. Most of the turkeys on the top of the refrigerated case where close to room temperature, so we dug down to the bottom, and found one that was really cold. So we make up all the sides and desserts this morning, and then open the turkey. Overwhelming smell of rotten eggs. A large amount of stinking dark brown liquid in the package. For those who don't know, that's a sign of a rotten bird, loaded with bacteria. "Sell by date" was 11/30/14.
I check the freezer and all we have is ground beef. So we had burgers with all the Thanksgiving sides. Still had a great meal, and very thankful for all God's blessing through the year.
Considering how warm all those birds on the top of the case where, I'm sure we weren't the only one. I hope no one tried to cook and eat one of these rotten birds.
I check the freezer and all we have is ground beef. So we had burgers with all the Thanksgiving sides. Still had a great meal, and very thankful for all God's blessing through the year.
Considering how warm all those birds on the top of the case where, I'm sure we weren't the only one. I hope no one tried to cook and eat one of these rotten birds.