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Bears again

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Mar 28, 2013
Just Relocated Podunk USA
Didn't know if anyone is interested or not, but the 3 small cubs I had hanging around last year survived the bear season and the winter and I am getting pics of them almost everyday. these are on my property and only a couple hundred yards from my cabin. I also got a picture of a huge bear, guessed weight by everyone is between 450-550 pounds. Hope you enjoy the pics as much as I do
3 cubs.JPG
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Jun 2, 2013
Excelsior, MN
Awesome pics!!!

I'm a pretty avid bear hunter (have taken 3 in the last 3 years) and it's super cool seeing bears thrive in many places. Not much to be worried about as long as they run away. When they start holding their ground it gets a little dicey. Especially if you have kids around.
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Mar 28, 2013
Just Relocated Podunk USA
Cool man! Have they done any damage to the property? Do they run when they see you?
most of the time they run, but I have been sitting on my porch at the cabin and they will walk within 25 yards of me. I always pack a S&W 629 in a .44 mag, never had to draw it yet, but it has been held on to more than once. Last fall I was mowing and one steped out of the brush 25 feet away, he didnt seem to mind anything, stood and watched me for a couple minutes and then just walked away. If I keep my gas grill on my porch, they leave it alone, but if I let it off the porch, it will be destroyed in a couple days. I already had one over 100 yards from the cabin and totally destroyed. They topple over some of my hawk stands and just fool around but not too much trouble. Oh, expect for my tri-pod, they play heck on it and I dont know why. its 12 feet high and I had to stand it back up more than once...
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Sep 17, 2012
Western, NY
It seems bears are starting to make a comeback. I live in a pretty well populated area with wooded areas around and a guy around the corner from me walked out to get in his car and there was one sitting right by the drivers door. Also been several sightings in the area of others.
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Mar 28, 2013
Just Relocated Podunk USA
They are making a come back and I don't know if it is good or not, first thoughts are there's too many around. Back in the 70's ya never heard of a bear in these parts, but now, there is way too many of them. Just this spring, I can identify at least 9 different bears and we aren't in the hot time of the year yet....
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May 21, 2014
Tolland, CT
I'm always glad to hear about different species making comebacks (except mosquitoes, they can all die lol).

The reason you hear about more encounters with wildlife is because of how far we've developed into their habitat. I think it's something everyone needs to become more accustomed to, especially as conservation efforts are always expanding.

I would absolutely love to see a bear in my yard (sightings are getting closer). It's when fools go out and try to chase a bear off their property, & the bear defends itself, that they get a bad name... Otherwise they're pretty timid (unless they become too familiar with humans)