A few weeks ago I gave
@Frost a hard time (Yuk face) for drinking a Miller. Figured, "Hey, we both had a good laugh, no harm done."
Not long after Michael sends this cute little Miller HL key ring... And my life hasn't been the same.
Let me add, this evil genius always includes a mentioning of my wife with each 'gift'. This will make sense in a moment.
Don't know which gypsy you commissioned to curse this fricken thing, but please call off the dogs.
Since delivery my friends stopped hanging out with me, my mom doesn't return calls and my female dog has started peeing in my sneakers!
Jen says it's all in my head, "I like Mike. I think he sent the ring out of the goodness of his heart (blah, blah, blah)."
"For crying out loud, woman! Just last week I sneeze-farted in church and got booed by the congregation. Have you ever been booed in church? It's embarrassing."
"All these recent goings-on are because of Frost and that blasted key ring, no question."
As karma would have it a young Haitian family, with grandmother, just moved in down the block.
Mike, if you get a tingling sensation on your ass that's just the voodoo doll doing its work.
Thanks for the key ring, Mike.