Nice story.
In September I was at a DE event and first off I scored a box of UC pigs which was awesome! Second of all, all day I was surrounded by great people and my girl.. I met tons of new friends and smoked alot of good cigars, I spent alot of time my girlfriend! She's my age both 23, when she was 17 she was forced to drop out of high school to take care of her mom who was very ill because no one else could take care of her, she never finished sadly because of this... She recently went and took the test to get her diploma and passed it all with flying colors! That's not the best part... At that event me and her were in line to meet JD himself and my girl got the call saying she passed and with extra points to go to college too... Instant tears of happiness from her, a Rep from DE came over to see if everything was ok.. We told him the story, he congratulated her and he went on his way! We get up to JD, he gives her a huge huge and congratulates her on passing the test and accomplishing that task! All around happiness! We all talked for like 30 minutes... He took out an Liga Privada "A" cut it for me and lit it for me and told me to enjoy it! He did the same for my girl but it was a Natural NDB her favorite! He signed my FFP box to us saying this exact word "John and Brittney, it truly touched me to see you experience such an important achievement today! My advice is to always look out after each other" he is the coolest guy ever! Such a down to earth nice guy! After that we sat for while thinking about how perfect and awesome this day has been and I will NEVER forget this day! EVER!