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Best newbie self-defense (concealed) handgun?


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Dec 6, 2004
chipslave said:
Yikes! Too close to the goods for me. I would imagine it would be uncomfortable to sit down as well.
Although I don't use Thunderwear, I carry at the 1:00 position which is basically what you are seeing in that picture. It can tend to be a little uncomfortable but it is the best concealable spot for me.


BoM June 07
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Oct 31, 2006
San Diego
.22 long Derringer 2 shot in your left front coat pocket, the lady Smith .38 five-shot hammerless revolver in your right front coat pocket, and a glock 23 .40 strapped to your right ankle! yep, that'll do!!
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Sep 26, 2007
New Jersey
I carry a Sig P239 as my off duty, I have med to large hands and I find it very comfortable to shoot. It has a narrow profile due to a single stack magazine so it is great for conceal carry as it is not as bulky as the glock. It is double action only and has a very smooth trigger pull. I have qualified with this weapon for 10 years and it shoots like a dream. The only weakness is it only has a 7 shot magazine.
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Nov 26, 2007
Over in the Sandbox
My first pistol was a Kahr MK40 Elite 98. It was a work of art, but it was heavy for it's size. I traded it for a brand new Glock 33 subcompact in .357Sig and was awestruck by its simplicity. I know it's going to make noise every single time I pull the trigger. I'm a big fan of the subcompact and compact glocks for everyday carry. A glock 19 would make an excellent first pistol. 9mm rounds are cheap and plentiful, they're incredible accurate, and extremely reliable. Go rent one from your local gun shop and take a test drive. Good luck!



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Jan 1, 2008
Maybe I'm showing my age, but for concealed carry, for my money nobody has ever beaten a Walther PPK-S .380. They come in stainless or blued, and in many years mine has never failed to go boom. Not so much sex appeal in a .380, but if you need sex appeal, it was the sidearm carried by James Bond and a host of Nazi badasses. :gangfire:


Walter Lars
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Jan 6, 2008
So Calif
well I start out shooting a GI 45 at age 11 My Father was USAF reserve and I got to go with one day when His AF reserve group went to local Sheriff s dept range
The Old Gunny SGT when was in charge of the 45's saw how poorly the other officers were shooting and asked My Father if He would let shoot and show
the other Officers and Gentlemen how poorly they were shooting
after about a hour of couching I was shooting pretty good and scored highly than most of the men

My point to this story is you can get used to any amount of recoil if that all you know

like others have said go to a gun range where have rental guns and test drive several different ones to find what you like consider things like recoil and how it fits your hand

is this going to be home defense gun that you don't have to carry day in and day out or a carry gun ?
if its a home gun go with a larger gun with more power
if its a carry gun consider your going to dragging it around on your hip think about how your going to carry
if you have the greatest gun in the world and its left in your house it does you no good out on the street
Jeff Cooper said carry the biggest gun you can control and shoot accurately

to wrap this up snice I tend to get long winded
I would recomind a 38 or 357 revlover or a 45 revlover
45 long colt is a low pressure round and has less recoil that a 41 mag or 44 mag but its still a proven man stopper
OK OK I will get off My ammo crate (soap box ) now
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Jan 13, 2010
guys, you know what is the best gun for self-defense ( not to kill :assaultri )

I don't think lot of you know about this gun;

If the weapon is a gun

Avurt IM-5 launcher

The Avurt IM-5 launcher is a flashlight sized non-lethal self-defense device that has a longer range than Tasers and aerosol-based pepper spray. The USD$299 laser sighted launcher fires pellets filled with PAVA powder at distances of up to 40 feet, burning the eyes, nose and throat of the target.

Designed by Security With Advanced Technology, the Avurt IM-5 uses the same effective pepper substance found in aerosol based weapons, but has a the advantage of a 40 foot range (ten feet further than Tasers), meaning that there is no need to be in close proximity to potential assailants when the weapon is used in self-defence. The battery powered device can fire five rounds of PAVA filled pellets, and if the PAVA is not effective in stopping an assailant, the sting of the plastic shells act as a secondary deterrent. When not being used, it can be safely folded away without risk of discharge and when unfolded, the red laser light used for aiming the IM-5 is switched on. The laser-itself, along with the loud bang produced when firing the launcher also act as a further deterrent.

The Avurt IM-5 Launcher Kit one IM-5 launcher, (available in black, blue, red or pink), ten practice rounds, a carrying case, a training DVD and an instruction manual. It is currently available only in the United States.
If it is not a gun, then the best one is black jack weapon

A club or sap, a leather-covered hand weapon, designed to hit or knock you out. Also commonly known as billies, billy clubs, billie jacks, blackjacks, slappers, slapjacks, slap jacks, sap, sapper, beavertail sap. These guys need no introduction. This is a bludgeoning impact weapon historically used by bouncers, street gangs, thugs, the military, security, and police forces around the world. This is mainly due to the weapon's low profile and small size, and their potential to knock a suspect unconscious. Very intimidating and very effective with lots of stopping power.

On the list of approved weapons still used by some sheriff's deputies are hard-leather saps reminiscent of ones carried by the tough-talking detectives in 1940s films. A sap is a flat, beavertail-shaped slapper that is weighted with lead on the widest end. Small and inconspicuous, it can pack a punch with even the smallest amount of force behind it.

When it's close combat at ultra short range and lethal force is not appropriate, the sap gets downright gorgeous in its ability to resolve conflict. It is a plain working tool that legions of old-time coppers came to respect in the same way a carpenter does a framing hammer. Easy to carry. Available in a convenient sizes to fit your needs.
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Sep 27, 2008
Philadelphia Burbs
No offense to previous poster. Unless these provide a small fist sized hole at center mast, I doubt I will be carrying either to protect my life. imo it is not a crowd control situation.
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Jan 3, 2006
Valencia, Ca.
Technically Glocks have three safeties. A trigger safety, a firing pin safety and a drop safety. In order to fire the trigger must be depressed correctly. It is true that they don't have a mechanical safety that disables the firearm but then neither do revolvers. The most important safety with any firearm is the one between your ears.
Another point about safeties was made clear to me during a training course. Should you ever find it necessary to draw a weapon in self defense you will be under an extreme amount of stress (fight or flight). One of the things that happens is a marked decrease in manual dexterity. There were several people in the class that used 1911's carried with the safety on. On several occasions at the command to draw and fire, they drew but could not get off the first shot because in their haste they forgot to thumb off the safety. The instructor had two words for them: "You're dead".
The same point you make for the Glock I say is a detriment. In a high stress situation it is too easy to pull the trigger especially if you are new to firearms. I would suggest a double action like a revolver or a HK or Sig until you get very familiar with firearms.
I have seen several neglect discharges with Glocks due to the inexperience of the shooter not keeping their f**king finger off the trigger till they are ready to destroy what they are aiming at.

As for the no bang 1911's were did the shooters put their thumbs when they fire? I naturally rest mine on the safety which disengages it and adds stability to my firing.
But hand guns are all personal choice. Myself 45acp is the only round I like, they will stop what I'm shooting at without over penetration which other rounds will do.
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May 23, 2009
I love my S&W 340pd (.38 special and .357 mag), also carry a Sig P238 and P220 Equinox carry. Sometimes carry the ruger lcp...All depends on what I am wearing...