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Best "Short Filler" Cigar Ever?

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Jun 18, 2011
Denver, CO
If i remember correctly, DE gives their workers a lot more wages and benefits than other businesses in Nica. They also do a lot of charitable donations and help the town of Esteli. They give pregnant women maternity leave , etc. I'm not 100% on this, but I'm pretty sure. Hopefully someone else can chime in on this.....
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Feb 19, 2012
I, however, will not be buying, the same way I don't pay filet mignon prices for the cow bones I buy for my dogs.
You assume that costs for everyone are the same. Since you brought up the meat analogy...

I pay more per pound for soup bones than most people pay for their steak cuts at the grocery store. The reason is that rather than buying processed meat that's been inhumanely treated, pumped full of steroids and growth hormones, fed grain it's entire life, and had every other shortcut taken, sacrificing quality, and/or flavor, I purchase a small cow that's been grown by a local farmer, treated kindly, entirely grass fed, and is devoid of all those additives and hormones. No shortcuts are taken with the cow that I buy, and as as result, even the trimmings cost a bit more than most meat at the supermarket.

The same principle applies to Liga Privada's products. They take no shortcuts, so while their costs, and subsequently the prices we pay for their products, are higher than other competitors, their flavor profile is unmatched, at least in the minds of those of us who find it perfectly suited to our tastes.

I eat far less meat than most people, because I just can't afford to eat a lot of meat when I'm chosing to purchase higher quality meat that has better flavor. And I'm ok with that, because I prefer quality over quantity. Liga Privada is one reason I smoke less frequently than most people. Rather than smoke a $5 stick every other day, I'd rather smoke a $10-15 Liga once or twice a week.

And honestly, I'd prefer the rich, deep, delicious flavor of the soup broth made from the trimmings of the cow that I purchase than a bland steak from the supermarket. Like the soup bones, I'll pay more even for the Papas Fritas, the trimmings, if they taste right because I know the quality and flavor there is going to be superior. Now, at the moment, this is an argument based on principle, as we don't know how they're going to taste. But what I'm arguing is that to judge the cigar simply based on the MSRP and the fact that it's short filler is to misunderstand what it is that makes Liga Privada, Liga Privada.
^^^^Don't know if I will like the cigar, probably will, but I love this analogy!
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Jan 28, 2008
I was going to do a big write up on product costs and the variability of said product costs, but the bottom line is that I don't care if a magic cigar fairy delivered these to DE free of cost and they decided to charge $10/each. The only thing that matters is the value I feel I'm getting for my purchase, not whether the cigars come from a certain country, are just clippings of their other cigars, etc. DE is entitled to charge whatever they want and personally, I don't need an explanation as to their product costs to justify the retail price. I'll buy a tin and decide for myself if they're worth $6/each. :)
It wasn't my point to tell you whether you should buy it or not. As a tobacco user I would be the last person to tell you what you should do with your money :)
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Jul 14, 2012
Manchester, NH
I actually got one of these from Saka himself, though he just doesn't know it :cbig: and I'll vouch for it. The papas fritas is a damn good cigar for $6.00 I got about a forty minute smoke time from the one I tried, though I was busily working so I'd expect about a half hour for a sit-down. The quality was up to my LP standards and It was tasty to boot. As long as they're readily available I'll buy them, they'e worth the money hands down.


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Jul 11, 2012
Really looking forward
to gettin my hands on some!! Havnt met at LP that let me down yet!


Cigar King Scottsdale
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Apr 1, 2010
Phoenix, AZ
I've held off from posting in this thread until I had a chance to smoke this cigar. I smoked my first today on the drive home from work. Before I even get to that part, I want to say this: Props to JD, Saka, Marvin, and crew for having the balls to keep taking chances like they have from day one and even bigger props for being honest about what this cigar is. Whether you agree with the price or not, you have to respect them for telling everyone just what it is.

As for the cigar, I was impressed. I never had even a TINY bit of tobacco spill into my mouth. I know Saka said they positioned it so that wouldn't happen but you just never know. The ash held on for a good 1/2 to 3/4 of an inch before I ashed it, it never fell off on its own. As I said, I was driving while I smoked it so I was surprised by that. The flavors were all there that you would expect from a Liga, strength was spot on and it was as smooth as any Liga I have smoked prior. All of this should be expected considering it is Liga clippings but I wanted to make sure I pointed it out. Had they not been up front and told us it was sandwich style, I would have never guessed or known. Nothing about it screams short filler. Is it worth $6 a stick? I would absolutely pay for the tins at that price however I can understand why people may not be keen to do so for this type of cigar. I can't tell anyone if it is worth it to them but for me, this was a winner. Nice job by Drew Estate IMO.


BoM January 2010
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Aug 22, 2008
St. Paul, MN
I've held off from posting in this thread until I had a chance to smoke this cigar. I smoked my first today on the drive home from work. Before I even get to that part, I want to say this: Props to JD, Saka, Marvin, and crew for having the balls to keep taking chances like they have from day one and even bigger props for being honest about what this cigar is. Whether you agree with the price or not, you have to respect them for telling everyone just what it is.

As for the cigar, I was impressed. I never had even a TINY bit of tobacco spill into my mouth. I know Saka said they positioned it so that wouldn't happen but you just never know. The ash held on for a good 1/2 to 3/4 of an inch before I ashed it, it never fell off on its own. As I said, I was driving while I smoked it so I was surprised by that. The flavors were all there that you would expect from a Liga, strength was spot on and it was as smooth as any Liga I have smoked prior. All of this should be expected considering it is Liga clippings but I wanted to make sure I pointed it out. Had they not been up front and told us it was sandwich style, I would have never guessed or known. Nothing about it screams short filler. Is it worth $6 a stick? I would absolutely pay for the tins at that price however I can understand why people may not be keen to do so for this type of cigar. I can't tell anyone if it is worth it to them but for me, this was a winner. Nice job by Drew Estate IMO.
Thanks for the review, Brandon! I'll try anything Liga Privada, and have yet to smoke one I haven't enjoyed immensely. I try not to discriminate against things like "mixed filler." If it's a good cigar, it's a good cigar. Period. Smoke it, and decide if it's worth $6 to you. I for one cannot wait to try these!!!!
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Sep 23, 2009

You'd think we kicked some puppies or some shit reading some of the vitriol...

And I am blown away by the "expert" opinions on tobacco and labor prices and folks claiming this and that...

It is just a cigar.

Smoke it and decided for yourself if it is worth $6....

If it is, please buy it, cause Lord knows we appreciate the cash.

If it ain't your cup of tea, no harm, no foul - I understand - there are plenty of great cigars by plenty of great cigar makers to choose from.

My personal attitude is that I like it, I think it is hell of a little smoke, and even though we could of never told anyone it was comprised of table cuts (look at the few comments already posted by those that have smoked it), I wanted to be upfront and disclose the fact - we pride ourselves on being authentic.

Ultimately it will either be successful and it will help to reduce the escalating costs of Liga OR it will fail and we will go back to adding all the LP trimmings to bundle grade cigars.

But there certainly is anything here to get anyone's panties in a twist over...

Steve Saka
"I have been demoted - must'a been that stupid papas fritas idea"
Now CEO, Drew Estate
Rating - 100%
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Mar 2, 2012
Northern New Jersey

You'd think we kicked some puppies or some shit reading some of the vitriol...

And I am blown away by the "expert" opinions on tobacco and labor prices and folks claiming this and that...

It is just a cigar.

Smoke it and decided for yourself if it is worth $6....

If it is, please buy it, cause Lord knows we appreciate the cash.

If it ain't your cup of tea, no harm, no foul - I understand - there are plenty of great cigars by plenty of great cigar makers to choose from.

My personal attitude is that I like it, I think it is hell of a little smoke, and even though we could of never told anyone it was comprised of table cuts (look at the few comments already posted by those that have smoked it), I wanted to be upfront and disclose the fact - we pride ourselves on being authentic.

Ultimately it will either be successful and it will help to reduce the escalating costs of Liga OR it will fail and we will go back to adding all the LP trimmings to bundle grade cigars.

But there certainly is anything here to get anyone's panties in a twist over...

Steve Saka
"I have been demoted - must'a been that stupid papas fritas idea"
Now CEO, Drew Estate
Congrats mr CEO!
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May 3, 2012
panhandle of NE
I think the response has been quite positive about this cigar. I think some of the response on both sides should have waited until they were reviewed like they now have. This cigar is already being persued. The cigar will be thought of by the taste, and these other things that were speculated about will be forgotten.


Staff member
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Dec 3, 2004

You'd think we kicked some puppies or some shit reading some of the vitriol...

And I am blown away by the "expert" opinions on tobacco and labor prices and folks claiming this and that...

It is just a cigar.

Smoke it and decided for yourself if it is worth $6....

If it is, please buy it, cause Lord knows we appreciate the cash.

If it ain't your cup of tea, no harm, no foul - I understand - there are plenty of great cigars by plenty of great cigar makers to choose from.

My personal attitude is that I like it, I think it is hell of a little smoke, and even though we could of never told anyone it was comprised of table cuts (look at the few comments already posted by those that have smoked it), I wanted to be upfront and disclose the fact - we pride ourselves on being authentic.

Ultimately it will either be successful and it will help to reduce the escalating costs of Liga OR it will fail and we will go back to adding all the LP trimmings to bundle grade cigars.

But there certainly is anything here to get anyone's panties in a twist over...

Steve Saka
"I have been demoted - must'a been that stupid papas fritas idea"
Now CEO, Drew Estate
Steve, don't count yourself out so soon - not that you didn't already know. And congratulations on the new title :thumbsup:


Drew Estate NotRex
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Nov 16, 2011
Fort Wayne, IN
I cant wait to try it man. I cant always budget the money for Ligas so I am pretty excited. I am a Drew Estate slut though so it is kinda expected that I will like it.