I originally started this as part of the build up to gastric bypass. I decided to hold off on the surgery for now and see if I can do it on my own. As for tips I got these:
Talk to your doctor! If he is any good he is more then willing to help. Also you will have someone to answer to!
Take your vitamins. Have your blood checked and see if u need anything extra.
Lotsa water, 80oz a day.
Walk, walk, and then walk. A walk in a park with a good cigar is extremely relaxing.
For breakfast I have a Slimfast shake. For lunch I have a protein shake, or if I need something different a low fat microwave meal (ie Healthy Choice). For dinner something sensible.
If you have a craving feed it, just don't go crazy. If you don't it will eat at you.
Do a food journal, it will change the way you look at your food. Track calories and protein. Stay under 1300-1400 calories and around 50-60 grams real protein. If you are serious try the journal at least 2-4 weeks, it really opens your eyes.
Those are some of the things that have been working for me.