Those are trees on the mug. Sort of an African looking baobob. They're kind of a signature thing of Nancy's. She uses it on many of her high dollar award winning pieces so I decided to incorporate it into the mug.
As for the dog, he's on there, on either side of the handle. Since I plan to offer special mugs as an ongoing thing I felt I'd need to vary the design to keep them interesting to customers and to Nancy as well. She's an artist and generally not a mug maker so I need to keep her artistically involved if I hope to retain someone of her skill and reputation. Knowing there were only so many variations I could do with the standard logo/colors it was obvious that I'd have to mix it up a little. I decided to do that early on rather than have a sucessive series of "logo" mugs. Mugs more like the first, but with some color/shape variation, will definitely be in the offing in the future. Meanwhile, these do seem to appeal to quite a few folks judging by the number that sold between last night and this morning!