Where is the Dresden Files (Jim butcher) love? Anyone who enjoys fantasy lit. Would be doing themselves a favor by checking them out. They're urban noir fantasy and they're awesome.
Also a huge Salvatore fan. Sellsword trilogy, WotSpider queen, Cleric quintet, Drizzt. All of it. Currently reading his new one The Highwayman...still undecided on if I like it or not though. Also reading the Argonauts windless which is the first in a new series by Butcher and its great, and Heir to the Empire in the star wars universe.
Alot of other great sci Fi and fantasy books mentioned in here. Old man's war, black company, enders game, dune, etc...some other great options are Ready Player One by earnest Cline, disc world books by Terry Gilliam, Prince of Thorns trilogy by Mark Lawrence, Enders Shadow(if you haven't read and lime enders game you must) and for those who like forgotten realms books specifically, the Erevis Cale trilogy and the shadow war books are great.