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BOTL Drew Estate Cigar Safari Blend Session.


¡Soy un esnob de Fuente!
Rating - 96.9%
37   1   0
Feb 17, 2012
Chicago, IL
Very nice! It looks (and sounds) as though you (everyone) had a great time. I will definately need to make plans to attend next year.
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Mar 13, 2012
Vero Beach, FL
definitely adding the safari to my bucket list!
The knowledge you learn, the appreciation you gain really makes you understand the true value of a good cigar. Plus the comradere, the smokes, the FOOOOOOOD. Jonathon Drew's stories, Pedro's kind hosting, and Jessi's Art. You have everything you could possibly need and so much more... Without question I am going every year that he still has the Safari, even when Jonathon is old grey and haggard!

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Jul 13, 2011
West Chester, PA
Hey Chef.

I'm going to try my blend when I get home from beautiful Fort Sill, OK (you should be detecting large amounts of sarcasm right there). I left them all back home so I wouldn't be tempted to burn one.

We gotta get another botl trip together next year. I definitely want to go back.
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Mar 13, 2012
Vero Beach, FL
Absolutely!!! I am going to reserve my flight as soon as JD lets us know which dates are available for next years Safari. It was probably a good move to leave yours back home... I have been so tempted to try my blend every time I walk past my humidors... My goal it to be able to at least have three left by the time I go next. This way I can make a new blend next year and maybe trade one with another brother for one of there. And keep the trend going each year that I go. I can honestly say that I miss Nicaragua... Esteli is calling my name... Compliments to all involved at Drew Estates, Don Pepin, Jose Blanco and everyone else who educated us and spent their valuable time with each and everyone of us... I say once again thank you all for true memories that will last a lifetime... Btw The GoPro HD videos I shot during the entire trip including the infamous Sandinista "trail" on the way back to the airport came out incredibly perfect. I will be editing them soon then I will post them up for all that attended and those who didn't can enjoy. I say again, The Cigar Safari is an absolute must for everyone who can do it... Every vacation seems stale compared to the Cigar Safari...


Hey Chef.

I'm going to try my blend when I get home from beautiful Fort Sill, OK (you should be detecting large amounts of sarcasm right there). I left them all back home so I wouldn't be tempted to burn one.

We gotta get another botl trip together next year. I definitely want to go back.
Rating - 100%
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Mar 13, 2012
Vero Beach, FL
Thank you in deed for the early birthday wishes kind Sir. It was my pleasure, and a privilege to be so lucky to have been able to go with the BOTL group on your very exclusive tour for them/us. I tell every person I know or meet about the safari, and what it meant for me, and how lucky I was to have gone with such great group of people. All of the tours seem amazing from what I can see on FB. But I do in fact understand how exclusive the BOTL tour was. I even spoke with your dad the night before we left for a bit, and thanked him many times. He gave me a very friendly reminder of how special our safari was. In his words: "This was the Rolls Royce of the Safari tours."

I can say without question... All of the tour dates for next year's Safari should be filled right now from nothing but BOTL members, well if they know what good for them that is. Either way, I hope I am lucky enough to find a spot available next year when the BOTL group plans to visit. Hell I might even go twice. That's if its okay with you, and if there is space available. :) A sincere thanks for everything you did for for the BOTL brothers, and me, as well as the kind considerations you made for the only sister there. She said without question she wants to go again next year. You are a gentleman and a scholar.

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Mar 13, 2012
Vero Beach, FL
He's not going to be the designated bartender anymore? :bottle:
Oh come on Jdog... You know I pour the best shots in Esteli... I keep the sip line even...

p.s. I started playing a little more poker and I can't wait to get my money back from Craig too...



Suburban robot that monitors reality -BOM Feb.'13
Rating - 100%
405   0   0
Mar 16, 2012
Winona, MN
Note to self.......

Keep your eyes open and sign up for this next year! Looks like the experience of a lifetime!!!



BoM June 2011
Rating - 100%
116   0   0
Jan 11, 2011
Windham, NH
If you make a blend that you like, can you ever order up another batch, at say a price that would be worth the rollers time, or do you have to just go on another trip?
Rating - 100%
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Mar 13, 2012
Vero Beach, FL
If you make a blend that you like, can you ever order up another batch, at say a price that would be worth the rollers time, or do you have to just go on another trip?

I think the question was addressed during our blending session... I don't want to speak out of line and give the answer. I better leave that one to JD when he logs back on. Either way you should go back so you can experience it all over again... plus possibly make a next blend that you might like better.
