Hey gents, I need to make a PSA. Be patient with the noob trades. The marketplace doesn't open up until 30 days in, and being that doing the noob trade is a rite of passage of sorts, trying to jump the gun, putting up posts about other vets taking charge on their own, speaking for the guy running the thread, and the likes come across as disrespectful and not concerned with any sort of procedure.
Shit, I waited 3 weeks to get picked up, and in the interim was bombed 7 times. The noob trade went through, dues were paid, and as Jack Burton says "The check is in the mail!"
So, this is not directed at any one person, but just a blanket statemet. Be patient. If you feel it's moving slow, pm
@CaTeacher and check in, and then do like we used to do in the Marine Corps; Hurry up and wait!
Carry on.