Hey, buddy, welcome over from the other place!I am a newb to this community, but well established in others and very glad to be a part of the BOTL world. I would like to request a trade so I can build trust and relationships with people here. Please let me know if you need more info from me before I am assigned a sponsor. Thanks!
Well done, Dale!Dale I can not thank you enough brother. All but two of these I have never had and can not wait to burn. Also those beers sound delicious. Thanks again bro.
Glad they made! Hope u enjoy the sticks and the beer!So I have been watching my tracking info and knew my end of the newb trade was coming today. When I got home from work this afternoon there was nothing. So I check the tracking again and it says that there was no secure location to leave the package so it was down at the post office. No big deal, so I head down to the post office to pick it up. Long story short, the mailman read the address wrong and I had to meet him on his route. Lone and behold @daleo8803 sent a VBIED my way. Luckily I waited to open it until I got home.
Dale I can not thank you enough brother. All but two of these I have never had and can not wait to burn. Also those beers sound delicious. Thanks again bro.
@CigaRamento, I like my in-n-out burgers 5x5 how about you?@slicer, the next two noobs? If I'm right, that includes me. you better brace your home brother! Haha
Yeah! I definitely know that you do hahaha. My home still hasn't recovered! You better be prepared this time.@CigaRamento, I like my in-n-out burgers 5x5 how about you?