looks like we are caught up for the time being. we actually need newbs!
sponsors up next appear to be:
ckay and i are done!
i'm ready to go again...
Post #2714 back in line punk!!!passed over like roadkill,reckon i'll have to find my own target,maybe a thomas jefferson fan...lol
lol...#2719,i'm just trying to get in line!Post #2714 back in line punk!!!
no worries bob!wasn't an intentional oversight ron. you're just too damn generous!!
so if jfire takes drob03
and andytex takes eddy
that means the mighty shuckins is up next!!!!!!
Drob and I are in the works
shuckins and topherMutombo and I are in the works.
same here topherMy end shipped out to shuckins today.