Came off a little stronger then was intended to be. At least Kevin and Todd met me and know me a little. I can handle some good smack. Was meant to smack back the newbie not blow him away or knock his ass down.
All newbies please proceed to sign up and someone will step up to help you.
banger, first let me apologize if I offended you, struck a nerve, or whatever. That was truely not my intention. I was merely trying to point out something that seemed like a funny goof-up. It was not meant as a personal attack, and if it came across as that, I apologize doubley.
I was taken aback somewhat by your first post, but after reading the subsequent responses (yours included), I was reassured that this board is truely about the brotherhood. Your clarification I quoted proves this point: the guys here are very welcoming and understanding, and seem to treat all with respect. I by no means was trying to undermine that. I have yet to come across any real flaming here, and the last thing I want to do is spark some off. I also don't want to appear unappreciative of the vets here. I very much appreciate their (and also your, banger) contirbutions to this board, not only in the knowledge they share but also in their willingness to help out, ESPECIALLY in this thread. I am personally grateful for the vets who stepped up when I mentioned that I was interested in participating in the NST. Very, very cool indeed. :thumbsup:
That being said, I would also like to help give back, and if their are no objections I would gladly sponsor a trade with another newb. I sent indyrob a sampling of my current stash, so he would probably be a better judge of my "qualifications" for this than myself.
ps. I don't want to threadjack anymore than has already occured, but when I post there isn't any button (that I see at least) for spellcheck. I'm in the same boat as you, banger, in that I can't spell to save my life. I also get lazy often in emails, IM, etc. when it comes to capitalization and punctuation.