I would like to get in on this action. You know having a birthday on international pipe smoking day just means it's in the stars lol
Awww-Yeaahh!I would like to get in on this action. You know having a birthday on international pipe smoking day just means it's in the stars lol
Hey now... you said send what I like... can't help that I like a lot of thingsproblemsolverjc sent me a couple of sticks,
im going to need a bigger box now cause he deserves to be punished for this.
Fair enough...I had my very first jamie 2 days ago and loved it so I was extremely happy for that, I just dont like the being shown up so I stoped by the b&m and the post office this morning so this should go out sunday or monday morning.
Much appreciated!!!Out yesterday sorry for the delay, but I think you will be happy with it.
sorry, real life and fatigue got in the way, but hopefully we can get this rolling on IPSD, right? o)I can wait until someone is free. That way your not doubled up. Thanks again
Happy IPSD!sorry, real life and fatigue got in the way, but hopefully we can get this rolling on IPSD, right? o)I can wait until someone is free. That way your not doubled up. Thanks again
PM inbound!