Damn fine hitI can't even fathom the depths of hell you unleashed on my doorstep.
I had a heavy mail day...Xaviers sampler isnthe bottom box.
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More on the other large package will be posted in the appropriate area.
So I open it to find a letter and 3 large rolled up paper bags. WTF.
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21 different blends of tobacco and I know nothing of any of them. I mean, I gotta go google how to even smoke em!
On top of that 3 pipes, and two of which look expensive and totally undeserved. I am humbled truly. I am rarely at a loss, but this one had me saying "oh my god!" And "hes a fuckin lunatic!" repeatedly as I unpacked this box like a 12 year old at Christmas. Ill be needing to ask some advice too.
For instance on the rope style...how do I prep that? Do I cut up the discs...? And how does the stem come off the pipe on the left?
Thank you again Shawn!
Bet you weren’t laughing after that one Wes....

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