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BOTL Plugged Cigar Review Update 1

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Mar 26, 2013
Seattle, WA
Well done, gents.
A lot of interesting data to chew on--besides the tight/plugged info. It really gives a unique view into a slice of a seasoned cigar smoker's pie.

Is it more common to dry box CCs than NC cigars? How many of the participants dry boxed for this study?

My houses humidity is consistently higher than 70%, so if I dry box it should be at 60--55% (with the help of a medium)?

Thanks again brothers, this study is really above and beyond anything else I've ever seen/heard of :popeyes: :applause: :tiphat:


BoM 9/9' 9/11' 8/12'
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Sep 2, 2008
Yorkville, IL
Most CC smokers only dry boxed if the offending cigar was overly tight. But most smokers in this panel are often lower then 68 for storage as well. So it often self regulates the issue of tighter draws IMO.


BoM Nov '12 & May '13
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Jun 29, 2011
Is it more common to dry box CCs than NC cigars? How many of the participants dry boxed for this study?
Most CC smokers only dry boxed if the offending cigar was overly tight. But most smokers in this panel are often lower then 68 for storage as well. So it often self regulates the issue of tighter draws IMO.
To add to JFire's response, here are the statistics. Only 18 CCs were labeled as drybox, but out of the 899 CCs smoked only 598 had a drybox value - "Yes" or "No." A lot of guys didn't indicate whether they dryboxed their CCs probably since their storage is set-up appropriately. If I pulled a CC from storage that know has a higher RH (65-70%), I would typically drybox the cigar prior to smoking. I had 5 CCs that were dryboxed.
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Mar 26, 2013
Seattle, WA
Thanks guys.
I run my wineador at 65% anyway...and for WiW, I just checked my house and it's 58% humidity at the moment--not the 70% plus stated earlier--so I may try dry boxing to enjoy my tighter drawing smokes more.
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Jun 13, 2011
Surprise, AZ
My storage is set at 63%. I do not dry box ever. If a cigar seems wet I throw it in the freezer for 30 minutes and it's fixed.
Thanks again to Justin and Jonathan for putting this together and letting me take part. I've learned a great deal about my smoking habits. Until this year I could swear that I smoked 3-4 sticks a week. Turns out I average .9 per day.


Outlaw Hockey Biker
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Sep 6, 2005
To add to JFire's response, here are the statistics. Only 18 CCs were labeled as drybox, but out of the 899 CCs smoked only 598 had a drybox value - "Yes" or "No." A lot of guys didn't indicate whether they dryboxed their CCs probably since their storage is set-up appropriately. If I pulled a CC from storage that know has a higher RH (65-70%), I would typically drybox the cigar prior to smoking. I had 5 CCs that were dryboxed.

I failed to provide that information, but like a couple of the others in the study, I keep my cigars at 61-62% RH, and have never had the need to drybox cigars.


Navin R Johnson
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Dec 14, 2010
On A Plane
Just remember tobacco is a hydroscopic animal. It's cellular walls expand and contract with fluid shift.
Holy Textbook Batman!

I target 62-63% but don't fret over a little variation now and then.

Two of the plugged cigars I had were Forbidden Xs that were smoked from and in a shop. I'm convinced the high humidity of the shop (which I didn't check on the day but usually is right around 70%) had something to do with it.
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Jan 27, 2012
Lake Minnetonka, MN
Great write up Jonathan! I'd love to get something working to track this on a web page to allow for easier entry of smokes, etc. I might start it as a project now that I am learning all about how to do such a thing porting our product at work over to the web.


BoM Nov '12 & May '13
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Jun 29, 2011
Great write up Jonathan! I'd love to get something working to track this on a web page to allow for easier entry of smokes, etc. I might start it as a project now that I am learning all about how to do such a thing porting our product at work over to the web.
That would be really cool Vitty. Let's talk about it because I'll need access to the back-end database to clean things up. I spend about an hour or so a week correcting spelling issue and general data entry problems. We'll need that otherwise it will be hard to compile the statistics. This type of solution may be necessary since we're going to hit a limit on what google docs allows you to enter in their free service.


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Sep 30, 2009
Southwest Michigan
Finely gave myself enough time to sit down and read this with a TAA 11 in hand. First of all I must commend Jonathan on a very nice presentation on a long project given to the brothers involved. It takes along time to systematically put these charts together and explain the relevance defined. My hat goes off to you brother on your hard work and to Justin for putting it together.
Very good information and something we can all use on a needed basis.