Not gonna do a fancy review as I lack the refined palet of some and the creative imanination of others, but the cigars were well constructed and had a wounderful Box Press that only 90 years in a box will do for you. They smelled wounderful in the box, sweet and inviting. Although, many of the cigars had lost their perfect shape from when they were rolled, I think they are allowed to wrinkle at that age, not a single one of the 19 smoked had a burn or draw problem.
The cigar started mild as expected and picked up for the last inch or so, super smooth, some spice, some sweetness and alot of complexity. Near the end my tongue and lips were buzzing, a bit numb, and left a nice finish that left you rubing your tounge to the roof of your mouth enjoying the flavor.
Others may chime in on some of they got from it, but I'm just so happy I got to have such a great night, with great people.
The long ash pic is from Excel, the nub on a stick is mine, I think everyone skewered theirs to the nub. And a couple pics of what's left, which is going out in bombs, I've already picked targets.
Love you guys, love this place, Share the Share.