On another note, try not to swallow the saliva after puff's as much :dunno:
My stomach feels a little weird if I swallow a lot of saliva while smoking it seems.
Yes, depending on how much strength there is in the cigar you're smoking, your saliva can make you really sick.
Just think - regardless of whether or not you're inhaling the smoke, you are still saturating your mouth (and saliva!) with the stuff. So you're still ingesting large amounts of nicotine.
Your mouth is incredibly absorbent. The digestion process actually begins when food is just in your mouth, before swallowing,. Your mouth absorbs a significant amount of nutrients itself, and it will do so with the smoke.
So you're getting nicotine that way. If you add stomach/intestinal digestion to that (by swallowing nicotine-saturated saliva) you are giving your body even MORE nicotine to absorb.
Also think of this...
Have you ever smoked a joint? The high lasts about an hour (give or take 20-30 minutes, depending on the potency and how tolerant you are to the stuff).
Compare that with eating, say, pot-laced brownies. Those don't hit you for a good 45 minutes to an hour, but then the high lasts anywhere from 2 to 6 hours.
Same thing happens with nicotine. If you're just absorbing it through your mouth/lungs, the "high" (or, in worst case scenario, sickness) only lasts for a short while.
But if it has to go through the whole digestion process, you'll be feeling the "rush" (or, again, sickness) for quite a bit longer.