The criminal side of a shooting is one thing, but the civil is another. Here is my advice to everyone, regardless of your state of residnece. Don't shoot people if you can avoid it, if you can't avoid it shout as loud as you can for any potential witnesses to hear that you want them to leave, that you are backing up and that you don't want to shoot.
If you do shoot somebody don't tell the police anything other than where to find and preserve critical evidence like where the scum bag's weapon fell if he had one, let your lawer do the talking. Remember everything you tell them will be used against you during the wrongful death suite filed by the turdbags family. I too would rather be judged by 12 than caried by 6, but shut the hell up and get a lawer.
I took a class way back in the day from a cop that had gone through the wrongful death suite post a justified shooting in his home off duty. Kid had a violent record, family had kicked him out and even filed charges against him for assult previously, but the family still filed a civil suite that got settled with a pay out. Cost the cop about fifty grand before it was all said and done. The cop had one big card stacked against him, he gave a detailed and signed statement to the police that was public record.