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Aug 18, 2013
Holy Shit!!

Newb didn't know and asked a question!!! Search function on the forums isn't really well seen with tiny letters!!

Chill out folks. I realize you've all been here awhile and know the lay of the land, but as someone new, I don't. Sheesh.

Thanks for the info, though. Still no clear consensus on what's "better". My choice I guess.
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Aug 18, 2013
Sorry you got piled on, Kidsfeet, that's really not the general spirit here at BOTL.
Typical internet forum BS. I used to be a mod on several of these types of forums. They are all the same, regardless of the general topic of interest. People behind virtual alter egos tend to behave in a way they wouldn't in reality. Gives "Virtual Reality" a whole new meaning doesn't it?

Btw, my advice is that if you don't want to answer the same question "again" to someone who hasn't ever been to your forums, don't answer at all. Move on. Don't be that prick that makes a newbie feel like an asshole for asking what he or she perceives as a legitmate question.

Also, make the "SEARCH" function button front and center, not buried in small print beside other useless forum functions. You want it to mean something, SHOW IT.
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Apr 19, 2012
Inland Empire, California
I have come to learn of a few subjects not to bring up, but rather search old threads for. Those include cello on/off, what is the best temp/humidity, what is the best low price stick, desktop humi/coolidor/winador questions. As for the veterans of BOTL, I can see how redundant answering the same questions over and over and over again is.

That's it, carry on
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Mar 2, 2012
Northern New Jersey
I have come to learn of a few subjects not to bring up, but rather search old threads for. Those include cello on/off, what is the best temp/humidity, what is the best low price stick, desktop humi/coolidor/winador questions. As for the veterans of BOTL, I can see how redundant answering the same questions over and over and over again is.

That's it, carry on
The only one you missed is 'what is better CC's or NC's?' :)


BoM 10/12, 9/13, & 8/14
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Jan 8, 2012
Northeast Tennessee
Yes, but veterans need to understand that we were all beginners once and new folks are going to ask beginner questions. Hospitailty and understanding go a long way. Icehog is right, this place is better than that.


BoM March 2013
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Oct 27, 2012
I have come to learn of a few subjects not to bring up, but rather search old threads for. Those include cello on/off, what is the best temp/humidity, what is the best low price stick, desktop humi/coolidor/winador questions. As for the veterans of BOTL, I can see how redundant answering the same questions over and over and over again is.

That's it, carry on
The only one you missed is 'what is better CC's or NC's?' :)
Lol, there are some other ones that show up over and over again, but I'm guilty of doing thus sometimes too. But don't take offense is someone points out an old thread, it usually has the better answer in it, and don't be afraid to ask any questions


BoM Feb 14
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Feb 11, 2013
Olmsted Township, OH
Btw, my advice is that if you don't want to answer the same question "again" to someone who hasn't ever been to your forums, don't answer at all. Move on.
You kinda have a point. But hey, Kidsfeet, calm down a little. All the guys here are very friendly, knowledgable, and extremely welcoming.
Yes, we all are pretty nice guys here. Kidsfeet really didn't see that side of use now did he? I can understand his frustration.

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Mar 24, 2013
Fort Myers FL
Whoa I wasn't trying to be rude by any means and I commonly post links for lots of people. There is a wealth of knowledge posted in many sticky/old threads around here. I am still a NFG around here as well so I look up many things from the vets. Also Kidsfeet if you scroll below this thread you'll see a large non "tiny letter" ed search button with a link to advanced search to fine tune your search. As you say you have been a mod before, then I am surprised by your reaction since you would see this all the time and normally guide newer users via the search feature.

It is surprising the amount of people that don't search any given subject on a forum because I know we all use google like mad for anything put there. This is actually one of the cleanest well maintained forums I have been a part of and the search yields awesome results every time.
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Jun 18, 2013
Madison, WI
I keep the cello on because I live in Wisconsin where it is cold or snowing 9 months out of the year, which can make it difficult to keep the humidity where I want it.


BoM December 2012
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Nov 10, 2011
Columbus, OH
Typical internet forum BS. I used to be a mod on several of these types of forums. They are all the same, regardless of the general topic of interest. People behind virtual alter egos tend to behave in a way they wouldn't in reality. Gives "Virtual Reality" a whole new meaning doesn't it?

Btw, my advice is that if you don't want to answer the same question "again" to someone who hasn't ever been to your forums, don't answer at all. Move on. Don't be that prick that makes a newbie feel like an asshole for asking what he or she perceives as a legitmate question.

Also, make the "SEARCH" function button front and center, not buried in small print beside other useless forum functions. You want it to mean something, SHOW IT.
I just read this thread again from the beginning & I honestly don't think anyone that replied was "piling on" or saying anything whatsoever that warrants that type of response. Ball busting? Maybe....but "people behind virtual alter egos tend to behave in a way they wouldn't in reality" or "that prick that makes a newbie feel like an asshole for asking what he or she perceives as a legitmate question". Definitely not, IMO.

You asked a question that has been answered & discussed & debated & philosophized AD NAUSEUM for years and just doing a simple forum search (which is a common courtesy that a previous moderator of "several of these types of forums" should really already know) would've given you MULTIPLE threads with all the information you'd ever want to know on the subject! So, no offense for "busting your balls", but c'mon man....no one was deliberately trying to hurt your feelings! :)

Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk Pro
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Mar 22, 2012
Alexandria, VA
I took me a really long time to find the search button when I first joined and I started to think that there wasn't one. Maybe that could be placed in a better position for newer members to find. I could have done the same thing and asked a question that had been asked many times before because I couldn't find the search button, so I understand where he is coming from.
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Aug 17, 2012
I feel like every website I have EVER used has had the search function in the bottom right or somewhere at the top..... I'm with java, an experienced former moderator should probably be able to find that haha relax amigo


Outlaw Hockey Biker
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Sep 6, 2005
I understand you were frustrated, Kidsfeet, but you can catch more flies with honey than with sh!t....Not sure your response was any better than the ones you were condemning.
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