Be careful with 'Tom's of Maine' toothpastes. It's not all roses! Most all of them have SLS. Only a couple are SLS free.There are actually a lot of selections at Walgreens and a grocery store called Meier in Michigan.
I got some Toms of Main today.
'Botanically Bright' and 'Botanically Fresh' are the only two that are SLS free. (and the Toddler toothpaste) None of which they carry at my Walmart.
All the rest have SLS in them!
'Luminous white'
Tom's 'Whole care'
'Rapid relief sensitive'
'Simply white'
'Enamel strength'
'Wicked fresh'
'Cavity protection'
'Wicked cool'
'Fluoride-Free Propolis & Myrrh'
'Maximum Strength Sensitive Toothpaste'
'Fluoride-Free Sensitive'