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Check Yourself Buddy...


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Mar 20, 2005
Grit City
I've seen this happen a few times before. My friend has a pretty cool way about letting them know. When they show him their Fohiba he tells them in a polite way that they probably have a fake. He reaches into his Pelican and pulls out a real Cohiba and tells them the differences he spotted. It may not have enough dot's or the lettering may be off. Then he tells him to lite up his fake. See what they think of it? If they like it? Then more power to them. But they usually say this is not what I expected. Then he gives them his Cohiba so they can truly enjoy one.

Another scam that I've been hearing lately is that guys go to a shop or event where there is a roller who happens to be Cuban and has the Cuban tobacco to roll him a box of "real" Monte No.2's or some Cohiba Esplendidos.:laugh:


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Aug 5, 2009
Hattiesburg, MS
well, I think I've done a bang-up job of making myself out to be a jerk.
I totally disagree! You're simply trying to be honest and forth-coming with people in order to help them in not making the same mistake twice!

I don't think you're wrong in doing so, just ask yourself: do they really want to know the truth or do they just want someone to agree that they got a great deal? You seem OK in my book! :thumbsup:


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Feb 8, 2006
West coast
Tough question. I usually just smile and pass unless I know them reaal well and then only if asked. One of my customers had three boxes of the worst looking Partagas D 4's I have ever seen. He wanted to sell them to me for what he paid $50 a box. I gave him a few real ones and thanked him. Later he told me he thought he may have got fakes and sold them to the local B&M for $100 a box. Life goes on.
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Mar 16, 2009
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
I deal with this a lot, being Cuban cigar dealer. I have to say I'm not gentle anymore. The counterfiet market is degrading peoples opinion of all Cuban cigars, I just nicely tell them that unless your a cigar expert only buy from a trusted source, just by looking you can't tell. Then I poke them in the eye.

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Dec 1, 2009
I deal with this a lot, being Cuban cigar dealer. I have to say I'm not gentle anymore. The counterfiet market is degrading peoples opinion of all Cuban cigars, I just nicely tell them that unless your a cigar expert only buy from a trusted source, just by looking you can't tell. Then I poke them in the eye.

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seriously...If I think of the counterfeits that pass under my nose as rampant, not being dramatic, than being a retailer in a place where not only is the product legal, but a habanos S.A. consultant just recently was quoted saying around %80 of the cuban cigars in Canada are counterfeit... I can't even imagine the rage you'd feel...
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Mar 16, 2009
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
I would disagree with %80. But there is a lot of fakes coming in from vacationers in me me Mexico, Dom rep, and Cuba. Either way when I see a fake I call it, cause if I was smoking or peddiling one I would want to know. Just because a poke in the eye hurts, doesn't mean it's not good for u! LoL.

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Jan 2, 2010
Kelowna, BC
I really don't think coddling these people in order to save them a bit of disappointment is going to help anyone. It's like all the kids in school getting a gold star, even the ones who fail or lose-it might make them happy but doesn't help them learn or grow as a person. I know the counterfeit problem isn't going away any time soon but if the educated help to educate the uneducated then maybe we can at least reduce the problem. So for every bubble we burst we may create an informed consumer who can burst someone else's bubble like the ripple effect. I know it's naive and wishful thinking but hey, I'm a dreamer! So get stepping on those toes folks!!