Here's a great eggnog recipe from a friend on the CF forum. I sampled some last Christmas and had a nice buzz by the time I finished my first glass. It's smooth and filling.
10 eggs, separated
3 cups granulated sugar
1.5 pints (24 fluid ounces) white rum
1 quart heavy cream
1 pint (16 fluid ounces) bourbon or whiskey
1 pint (16 fluid ounces) brandy
3 quarts milk
1 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
Beat the egg yolks until smooth. Pour beaten yolk into pot or mixing bowl having at least a 6-quart capacity. Add the sugar and stir well. Add the rum slowly and beat to dissolve the sugar. Add the cream and stir to blend. Add the bourbon, brandy, milk, and spices, mixing well after each addition. In a separate mixing bowl, beat the egg whites until frothy and smooth but not too firm, about 3 minutes with an electric beater on high. Add the egg white to the mixture. Beat the mixture well, about 5 minutes. Ladle the egg nog into storage bottles, taking care to portion the foamy top froth equally into the bottles. Stir the mixture vigorously between bottles to mix up any sugar or spice sediment. Chill bottles. For a milder, creamier egg nog, drink within one day.
Egg nog can be aged for up to 6 weeks and gets stronger and more complex with time. Shake bottles at least once a week to keep mixed, and shake well before serving. Makes about 6 quarts.