Christmas time is not only about giving gifts,,it's about what we give from our hearts and we're able to give to others more than monetary things. We can give a meal to someone who is hungry, we can give something we have in our garage or basement that we will never use again to someone who would use it every day. We are a nation of people who have much to give but usually will keep or sell it.
We have the gift of time to give to those who don't have anything or who are in hospitals and are living on borrowed time,,,they would like to have company or someone who will give them the time to just talk. Why does everything come down to money? Even those we love would rather have something from you that you made with your own hands,,,,at least you put time and effort into it rather than just finding something and plunking down a credit card and called it a nice gift.
I hope that we can get away from the mindset of feeling like we have to go into debt buying items that will usually get tossed within a year anyway. Give something that you put some time and effort into,,,yourself for instance. I can remember when I had no money to spend I gave people "gift certificates" for mowing their lawns,,,for cleaning their house,,,cleaning their garages,,,spending the day with kids to play with them with anything they wanted to do. They all loved these "gifts" because it was something they knew they could depend on and they appreciated them. After that year everyone wanted to get a "gift" certificate from me because they got more from that than most of the other gifts they received.