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CI Ligero Laced 2nds


Suburban robot that monitors reality -BOM Feb.'13
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Mar 16, 2012
Winona, MN
"Deal of the week" pricing ended on these yesterday but they are still a good value at the current price.


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Oct 20, 2011
"Deal of the week" pricing ended on these yesterday but they are still a good value at the current price.
Yep. I was a little late to the party, but I still jumped on today. Still less than 2 bucks a stick. Can't pass that up.
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May 30, 2010
Topeka, KS
"Deal of the week" pricing ended on these yesterday but they are still a good value at the current price.
I ended up ordering 3 more of the 'F' Robusto bundles. They are only a couple of bucks more than they were while on special. Just a hair over $2 a stick with shipping. 45 sticks for $91... heck yeah!!
Rating - 100%
7   0   0
Jan 15, 2011
Jersey Swamp
Ordered a bundle of the "D" 4 Coronas. For the price its worth a shot... if they fail "Ray the Mooch" gets them.

Just cant get enough Coronas Baby!
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Aug 13, 2012
Lamar CO
Just had a yardsale this morning, was supposed to be a three day event but sold out in 5 hours! 600 + dollars! guess what i'm buying? hehehehe
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Nov 1, 2009
Saugus MA
I am glad I picked u p a bundle of these. I went with the "D" corona also. The banded version of this cigar has been my "go to" morning smoke since I first had one almost two years ago. These 2nds are the real deal, kind of pissed I didn't grab a few bundles!


CRA Ambassador #0042
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Aug 18, 2006
Blue Jay, Ca
Dangit.. Now I'm gonna have to get some :) I needed some more F robustos in my humi... I think the wife is gonna kill me! :)
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May 30, 2010
Topeka, KS
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45   0   0
Sep 22, 2012
Stay away from the "M" torpedo. Dry as a bone!
I'm going to take advantage of the 30 day return & see if they straiten out in a couple weeks.
If not back they go.....

"F" lancero was great!


BoM January 2010
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Aug 22, 2008
St. Paul, MN
Stay away from the "M" torpedo. Dry as a bone!
I'm going to take advantage of the 30 day return & see if they straiten out in a couple weeks.
If not back they go.....

"F" lancero was great!
Yea, I was never a fan of the Cain Maduros. Boring to me.
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Jul 28, 2012
After sitting in my college's mailroom for about 3 days, my bundle of No. 4 "D"s are now resting in my humidor. First reaction I had were the size of them, but then again I'm not too familiar about the sizes of the Cain Daytona. (Which I'll be heading to my local shop to get one to compare them with.) Anyone else get a chance to compare yet? I'm thinking tonight or at least this week calls for a test run of one of these. :) Another thing just noticed is that both pages on CI have the same descriptions for the profiles of the sticks, another plus.
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Nov 2, 2011
Just got my Liga 'F' Lanceros today, smoked one, bought two more bundles. Real nice cocoas, very even deliciousness, great wrapper flavor, medium loose draw, toothy, punched it and it drew perfectly. If My Father made a Lancero Maduro, it could taste like this.
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Aug 18, 2012
My order of "H" Toros came in. Smoking one right now. Identical to a Cain 660 in every way....appearance, construction, aroma, taste, burn. Worth the $$



BoM June '09
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Dec 25, 2008
Dallas, Texas
Ok, I promised a comparison, so here it is.

Note: this is only for the lancero, as that is all I bought.

I hate to bust anyone's bubble, but these are NOT the same cigar as the Cain F Lancero. I base this on a few points:

1. The wrapper is close to the same color, but has a TOTALLY different texture. The cain f is toothy, while the bundle is smooth as silk. Not even close. This alone proves the point. (I will post a pic tonight)
2. The bundle seems to be rolled looser, and seems to be a 40 RG instead of a 38 RG.
3. The Cain F is triple capped, while the bundle is not (that I can see)
4. The Cain F is a smoother, more balanced, and more flavorful smoke, while the bundle is harsher, and just does not have (even close) the flavor profile
5. The Bundle's smoke is anemic, while the Cain F is white and billowy
6. Both had great construction, both draw and burn

The Bottom Line: NOT a Cain F lancero. Having said that, the bundle I think would make a decent stick, esp for the price, if given a bit of age.

Photos later.
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2   0   0
Nov 2, 2011
My F Lancero's put out huge amounts of smoke on the draw and are completely delicious, whether it is or isn't the Cain, I would recommend this stick to anyone. cigarasylum.com's domain name expired yesterday as well fyi.
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BoM January 2010
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167   0   0
Aug 22, 2008
St. Paul, MN
Ok, I promised a comparison, so here it is.

Note: this is only for the lancero, as that is all I bought.

I hate to bust anyone's bubble, but these are NOT the same cigar as the Cain F Lancero. I base this on a few points:

1. The wrapper is close to the same color, but has a TOTALLY different texture. The cain f is toothy, while the bundle is smooth as silk. Not even close. This alone proves the point. (I will post a pic tonight)
2. The bundle seems to be rolled looser, and seems to be a 40 RG instead of a 38 RG.
3. The Cain F is triple capped, while the bundle is not (that I can see)
4. The Cain F is a smoother, more balanced, and more flavorful smoke, while the bundle is harsher, and just does not have (even close) the flavor profile
5. The Bundle's smoke is anemic, while the Cain F is white and billowy
6. Both had great construction, both draw and burn

The Bottom Line: NOT a Cain F lancero. Having said that, the bundle I think would make a decent stick, esp for the price, if given a bit of age.

Photos later.
Just finishing up my 1st Lancero right now.

I noticed the construction differences right away as well. Though in my experience, "2nds" aren't always actually factory 2nds ... in fact, I suspect they are typically a specifically manufactured bundle cigar made of the same (possibly lower quality, or at least uglier) tobaccos. So I wasn't surprised that they looked different. They were made more cheaply, which means a slightly thicker gauge to insure a good draw, and a cheaply rolled cap. This wrapper is a bit lighter (not unusual though), and not as oily with some noticeable veins. All in all, not as good of a wrapper (based on appearance).

Mine has the same kind of thick, white, billowy smoke that I get from the Cain F Lancero. The strength and body are about the same, but the flavor profile is different. It's not incredibly dissimilar, but not "very close," though this is based on only this one sample which is less than a week OTT. That said, I think it's in the same ballpark and wouldn't be surprised if this is indeed a version of the F lancero with less-than-the-best ingredients. Obviously, that's just a guess.

To me, these are not true "Cain F Lancero 2nds," as in cigars that just didn't make the final cut before they were boxed up (which they are NOT actually purported to be anyway). HOWEVER, it's possible these just need more age to taste more like the Cains. But I'm fine calling them "a cheap Cain F Lancero replacement" for now.

For the price I paid, it's a great cigar and I'm in no way disappointed. In fact, I'm quite impressed and have enjoyed this cigar a lot.


BoM June '09
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Dec 25, 2008
Dallas, Texas
here is the photo of the two wrappers on the lanceros...(Sorry for the crappy pic, but you can easily see that the Cain F (left) is a much more toothy wrapper, while the Bundle is totally smooth to the touch...

Please note: Most of my post was only concerned with the contention that these were Cain F Lanceros (only cheaper, and sans bands)...That was what I was disputing, NOT if these are good cigars for the money (which I think they are, honestly).