Wow, that sounds like a whole lot of "take something you really enjoy and make it more like a job".I purge before each draw. The goal is to ensure the entire foot of the cigar is lit vs. purging stale smoke.
As a cigar rests (the time between draws where you tell lies about your high school youth :smileit cools from the outside in. When you draw in after a few minutes of rest, you are most likely to draw only the filler tobaccos. At the end of your draw you might get some binder and wrapper.
Since a cigar is a blend of tobaccos, you want to smoke them all at the same time. Blow through the cigar until you see a uniform red ring on the outside of the foot, then draw in.
To experience different flavors, try taking smaller then larger draws. There are dramatic differences in flavor depending on size, blend and length of draw.
I have never purged, and I enjoy my smokes fine from start to finish.