Electric Sheep
Dsicle - BoM Dec 06
Welcome! :welcome:
:welcome:Dear BOTL,
Like many of your new members I'm not new to Cigars and I'm looking forward to getting to know more BOTLs.
Because of my research I've recently been on the Dogwatch Social Club radio and podcast. If you've heard those segments, give me a shout. Let me know what you thought. Anyway, I don't want to ramble on so I'll talk to you on the boards!
Welcome to BOTL! I haven't had the good fortune to tune in to DWSC yet, so what sort of research do you do?
Hello ColinHi Rich and everyone, my research is in two topics. The most relevant is into cigars. I'm writing a book on value, society, and the history or cigars. I'll keep everyone posted as my papers start to get published on public resources.
My other research is into the history of 17th century trade. The impact of European trading companies on the places they set up factories.