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Cigar sharing etiquette


Just Another Ashhole
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Jul 12, 2008
San Diego/Atlanta
I encourage anyone to start smoking with the best, if you give a sub par cigar they will not have an interest in the hobby..
While your sentiment is worth noting it's the soundness of the actual opinion that isn't quite right. I like that so many on here are willing to part with their best cigars to friends and neighbors but if one truly wants to educate somebody who is new to the hobby there is a certain discipline as to how one should be introduced to it. A sub par cigar to one person is another persons treasure so the intent is not to give a friend a crappy cigar but rather to match them with a cigar accordingly to their experience. Would you give a full bodied/full strength cigar to somebody who had only smoked 5 cigars in their life....only if you wanted to see them get sick to their stomach and swear off cigars forever. A good friend will introduce cigars to their friends that will promote the hobby....that's what I'd expect from my friends.