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Cigars and Significant Others

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Oct 13, 2010
Atlanta, GA
Mine is the opposite, always thinks its just 30 minutes. She will sit with me if it is nice out and we can talk, she will even ask if I'm going to have one. Doesn't always work the same way when it comes to purchasing though.

That's funny, because my wife thinks all cigars take 2hrs or more. It's kinda nice, because if I want to take my time, I can. And if I come back inside before that, she's pleasantly surprised. Win, win!
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Feb 27, 2012
Seattle, Wa
My wife HATES it, absolutely hates it. But, she tolerates me doing it, as it's my hobby. She can't stand the smell at all, not even the smell when I open the humi. I only smoke on the way to work, or at night after she has gone to bed. (I work the late night shift, so I keep that same time on my days off.) I generally get about 1.5 - 2 hours after she has gone to bed on my days off to smoke something. Then I have to take a shower before going to bed to get the smell off me.

*shrugs* None of that even bothers me at all, to be honest. I'm not one to force my interests on anyone, and I know some of the cigars I smoke are rather pungent, so no biggie. :) She would prefer I don't smoke at all, but you should see the fire fall from the sky if somebody other than her says I shouldn't smoke cigars, lol. In her mind, she is the only one allowed to say that to me, everybody else better back the "F" off. I just laugh and kiss her, lol. She asked me about them a while ago, and I told her all the differences in the tobacco, how it will change with age, how fermenting changes it, how temp and RH will change it, how some of it is extremely complex, while others aren't. I went on for quite some time with her just paying attention to me. When I was done, she said she never realized how much there was to it, and can understand why it interests me. Then she said she still hates it and it stinks, ROFL.

To be perfectly honest with you guys, I wouldn't have it any other way. Works great for us, and it's my little thing she can get onto me about, and I just smile and tease her, heh. :)
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Jun 24, 2012
My wife bought me my first humidor and she doesn't mind sitting outside on the deck or around the fire pit while I smoke. All good here! :)


BoM January 2010
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Aug 22, 2008
St. Paul, MN
Enjoy them with me? More like threatens to have be flogged if I buy another box!!!

Seriously, she HATES my cigar hobby. Fortunately I'm a very good husband and father, so she lets' this one slide ... but not without protest.
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Apr 4, 2012
Oswego, IL
She hates it. Hates the smell, the health aspect (which I try to educate her about) and cost. I still have about 1000 sticks sitting in my tower so I guess as much as she complains, she still supports it. My son (12) hates it and my daughter (8) cant wait to have one. Lol


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Sep 30, 2009
Southwest Michigan
My wife smokes flavored cigars, and occasionally real ones. She enjoys it, just not to the same extent that I do.

My wife tolerates it. God bless her...
Yes...God blesss them!!

Mine does not smoke ...let's me but does not understand the time element...
That's funny, because my wife thinks all cigars take 2hrs or more. It's kinda nice, because if I want to take my time, I can. And if I come back inside before that, she's pleasantly surprised. Win, win!
I get this as well...especially on the weekends. She sometimes feels I ruin the day by taking some "Me Time" around noon. Like I really want to go to KOHL's or the Mall all day. However I will say that she understands the effect smoking a cigar gives me. I really feel that after I've had that relaxing time to think and reflect it makes my day alot better. Plus she has seen the friendships I have gained and the great people this place has given us.


BoM April '14
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Feb 6, 2012
Hmm... my girl doesn't light up her own but likes to puff on mine when I'm out on the porch. She doesn't care about my purchases as long as I am financially sound. She does try to influence my purchases to her tastes and it always ends up as being HTFs. Give her a Super shot or a pork tenderloin to smoke and I will never see that cigar again...


Derek | BoM June 2014
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Mar 28, 2012
My wife never smokes her own, as she says it's too much for her, but she steals puffs from mine all the time. Her love for tobacco really started back in France, where people smoked cigarettes everywhere. Back when we were first married, she enjoyed the smell of tobacco every great once in a while as it reminded her of her time in France, and I was only smoking once or twice a year then.

She thought it was fun that a couple times a year her brother and I would hang out and smoke a cigar, and she's been happy that I have something I really enjoy. I think her real endorsement of the hobby came last summer, though. We spent many warm summer evenings in the hammock after the kids were asleep, me smoking a cigar and her laying next to me, taking occasional puffs, just chatting and sharing our thoughts and dreams and ideas. That time spent together was really wonderful. As I've become more of an enthusiast, she's grown with me. She actually has a remarkable palate, and is often able to identify flavors I'm struggling to label.

The only thing she dislikes is the stale smoke smell, so if I've been in the garage, or at a lounge, I come in through the garage and throw all my clothes into the washing machine before entering the house, and generally go shower from there.
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Sep 3, 2011
My husband complains about cigar hair and expensive cigars - but his accessories cost more than mine, so it all evens out
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Jan 24, 2011
You guys are all lucky. I tried to get my gf to smoke with me by giving her ashtons, macanudos, davidoff... light and mild stuffs. She didn't like them at all. That is until she tried a puff from what I was smoking. Now she loves tats, ligas, CCs... My stash is dwindling Dammit!!! Lol
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Mar 2, 2012
Northern New Jersey
Not married yet but I'll stick to mr Zino davidoff's fine advise: "if your wife doesn't like the aroma of your cigar, change your wife."

But seriously, the root of me and my ex-girlfriends issues and fights always came back to my cigar smoking so I honestly would have a hard time being with a woman who hated it again.
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Jun 8, 2011
Bethlehem, Pa
My gf doesn't like cigars, but she doesn't have a problem with me smoking. Sometimes she sits out with me while I smoke and she smokes her cigarettes (which I quit 2½ Years ago).
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Feb 28, 2011
i wouldn't say mine HATES it, but the rest of this is spot on.

My wife HATES it, absolutely hates it. But, she tolerates me doing it, as it's my hobby. She can't stand the smell at all, not even the smell when I open the humi. I only smoke on the way to work, or at night after she has gone to bed. (I work the late night shift, so I keep that same time on my days off.) I generally get about 1.5 - 2 hours after she has gone to bed on my days off to smoke something. Then I have to take a shower before going to bed to get the smell off me.

*shrugs* None of that even bothers me at all, to be honest. I'm not one to force my interests on anyone, and I know some of the cigars I smoke are rather pungent, so no biggie. :) She would prefer I don't smoke at all, but you should see the fire fall from the sky if somebody other than her says I shouldn't smoke cigars, lol. In her mind, she is the only one allowed to say that to me, everybody else better back the "F" off. I just laugh and kiss her, lol. She asked me about them a while ago, and I told her all the differences in the tobacco, how it will change with age, how fermenting changes it, how temp and RH will change it, how some of it is extremely complex, while others aren't. I went on for quite some time with her just paying attention to me. When I was done, she said she never realized how much there was to it, and can understand why it interests me. Then she said she still hates it and it stinks, ROFL.

To be perfectly honest with you guys, I wouldn't have it any other way. Works great for us, and it's my little thing she can get onto me about, and I just smile and tease her, heh. :)
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Aug 27, 2010
Peabody Ma
The issues is ok with cigars... She will even have one every now and then although she does not like anything inexpensive lol. She is even nice enough to let me smoke in the living room while man town is under construction.
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Mar 24, 2012
Newtown, CT
My wife doesn't mind it. She only complains when i get a little carried away on cbid and buy more then i should.
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Aug 4, 2011
Smithfield RI / Lynchburg VA
I got to my girlfriends house the other day and she goes "I have a present for you" and she gives me a new 10ct Cigar Caddy with two LP Feral Pigs inside! Not only does she support it, she knows what shes doing lol! She will puff occasionally but not often. She loves the smell tho!

When ever I go to the Humi she askes "Are you gonna have a piggy?" or as Ive stated before "An EPC, Eva's Perfect Cigar"

She's a winner!