My wife HATES it, absolutely hates it. But, she tolerates me doing it, as it's my hobby. She can't stand the smell at all, not even the smell when I open the humi. I only smoke on the way to work, or at night after she has gone to bed. (I work the late night shift, so I keep that same time on my days off.) I generally get about 1.5 - 2 hours after she has gone to bed on my days off to smoke something. Then I have to take a shower before going to bed to get the smell off me.
*shrugs* None of that even bothers me at all, to be honest. I'm not one to force my interests on anyone, and I know some of the cigars I smoke are rather pungent, so no biggie.

She would prefer I don't smoke at all, but you should see the fire fall from the sky if somebody other than her says I shouldn't smoke cigars, lol. In her mind, she is the only one allowed to say that to me, everybody else better back the "F" off. I just laugh and kiss her, lol. She asked me about them a while ago, and I told her all the differences in the tobacco, how it will change with age, how fermenting changes it, how temp and RH will change it, how some of it is extremely complex, while others aren't. I went on for quite some time with her just paying attention to me. When I was done, she said she never realized how much there was to it, and can understand why it interests me. Then she said she still hates it and it stinks, ROFL.
To be perfectly honest with you guys, I wouldn't have it any other way. Works great for us, and it's my little thing she can get onto me about, and I just smile and tease her, heh.