I'm 32 and on BP meds. I take a beta blocker which slows the heart and lowers bp. Mitch the goal should be 120/80 not 150/90. Some research actually suggests getting your bp even lower. I have high bp for several reasons.
1) I need to lose some weight
2) I need to exercise more
3) Yes, cigars will increase your BP
4) Alcohol will increase your BP and I drink.
5) I have a type A personality
What I suggest is getting a manual cuff for home. Take your BP when relaxed and sitting at home. Keep a diary. Your BP is almost always higher in the doctors office. If it's not close to 120/80 you need to be on meds. Letting it go can lead to heart disease, erectile dysfunction, kidney failure along with many other health effects. I suggest getting your weight down if that's an issue. Make exercise a way of life. Take your meds and insist upon 120/80 with your doc.
As for Vioxx like any COX II inhibitor it makes you retain water which increases BP. It's a class effect...Celebrex, Naproxyn, and even Advil can increase BP. The whole sodium restriction thing can be important depending on your age. Younger guys can handle salt because their kidneys are effective at excreting sodium. As you get older your kidneys work less effectively and you become more sensitive to sodium. Sodium retains water and increases BP.
I hope some of this information helps.